09-14-2015, 01:34 AM
I know it's just a message board and all but can we please try and put the correct words in proper places?
Alot is not a word unless it's a name or something. The proper way to write it is "a lot" with a space between the "a" and "l" and no, that is not a capital "i".
Apart means separated, not a part of. Get it, see what I did there?
There means a place or area as in "The keys are over there on the kitchen counter".
Their means ownership as in "Those keys over there on the counter are theirs".
They're means "They are".
Too means "also"
To is the opposite of from
Two = 2
Knowing some on this board, I'm sure someone somewhere will find something wrong with this post and I'm sure there is something wrong with it, but please, this is really easy to do and get correct. Let us at least try just a little.
Oh screw it, it is just a message board and I'm sure I'll get over it.
Alot is not a word unless it's a name or something. The proper way to write it is "a lot" with a space between the "a" and "l" and no, that is not a capital "i".
Apart means separated, not a part of. Get it, see what I did there?
There means a place or area as in "The keys are over there on the kitchen counter".
Their means ownership as in "Those keys over there on the counter are theirs".
They're means "They are".
Too means "also"
To is the opposite of from
Two = 2
Knowing some on this board, I'm sure someone somewhere will find something wrong with this post and I'm sure there is something wrong with it, but please, this is really easy to do and get correct. Let us at least try just a little.
Oh screw it, it is just a message board and I'm sure I'll get over it.
Song of Solomon 2:15
Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.
Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.