05-25-2015, 09:21 AM
I had no inclination to join the military. I was too doughy.
However I have great respect for the folks who chose and choose to do so.
Also I have a lot of military people in my family line.
My father was in the AF during Vietnam. He was not IN Vietnam...he was in Germany for three years.
My father-in-law was in the army in Asia at the same time.
One uncle was int he army and another in the Marines and they were both in Vietnam.
One grandfather was in Europe during WWII the other was in Panama at the same time.
Anyone else want to share?
However I have great respect for the folks who chose and choose to do so.
Also I have a lot of military people in my family line.
My father was in the AF during Vietnam. He was not IN Vietnam...he was in Germany for three years.
My father-in-law was in the army in Asia at the same time.
One uncle was int he army and another in the Marines and they were both in Vietnam.
One grandfather was in Europe during WWII the other was in Panama at the same time.
Anyone else want to share?