11-06-2018, 08:53 PM
(11-06-2018, 10:29 AM)fortyyearfan Wrote: I like marvin as a good person and I think he will always be around football,probably back to he steelers,however if Mike Brown and his family truly want a winner in cincy,they need to turn the reins over to a different cowboy and go get a top GM,a top tough college coach that deserves a nfl chance and wants one and allow him to run the show.I know being a 48 year fan this will never happen,and I am so so sick of losing that I have truly given up of seeing any chance of a consistent winner in this city. I hate the stinkin stoolers,the dirty birds the pats,the saints because they stole our saying,they go who dat and everyone in cincy knows they got that from us.,I do not care for the Texans either.nor the chargers.I am rooting for the rams to go all the way because I love number 77.He deserves a super bowl ring and Mike Brown should have kept him,marvin jones,and M.sanu.He allows top players to leave and Zietler should still be here.I mean we draft top talent and in a couple years they want out of here.Its so insane,why us???? Is there anything us fans can do. Marvin lewis treats the press like they are school kids and he is the one that is just goofy. His answers are childish.and he makes his job look like he has no clue.What is going to be his excuse after he gets beat down in front of all of us AGAIN.No one in our mighty city thinks he can win this one.And he will NOT.Long suffering fan.I have ulcers,lost all my hair,can't walk very well,family hates me and thinks I am just nuts to pull for the BUNGLES each and every year.They all have left me for the packers. ugh!!!!
You are a true fan. Bless yiou.