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Marvin told the players to “be careful what they wished for”
To me marvin was showing his ego off a little how he was talking ,saying hes going to rock their world and other stuff. Hope it works,which i think itll definitely look better, i kind of still feel like this is a storyline right out of wwe, how convenient this happens right before baltimore. And hues story line will be against the browns twice which i bet we split, one revenge game for hue,one revenge game for the browns.

Also one other thing,whst d voordinator goes up in a booth i mean you cant explain to the players what they did wrong or motivate anyone up there or show what they need to do. I remember zimmer on the sideline having them huddled up shouting directions of what to do.

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RE: Marvin told the players to “be careful what they wished for” - bengalsturntup926 - 11-14-2018, 03:04 PM

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