12-07-2018, 05:12 PM
(12-07-2018, 04:38 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I am not creating any straw man or making anything up. To prove this I will give a direct quote from the original post.
So tell me how feeling "pain", "disgust", and "bad" are NOT "detrimental to a person's happiness".
I have been a Bengal fan since 1973. I have experienced all of the disappointment that anyone else here has, yet for some reason I don't feel that I have to force myself to spend my life feeling "bad" with "pain" and "disgust" BEFORE anything happens to make me feel that way.
Then they try to claim that if they feel miserable the entire year they will somehow feel better than me when things do go bad. Yet when things do go bad they don't act like they feel any better at all. In fact they seem to be in more pain than me. So that argument just is not valid. Feeling bad does not make anyone feel better if something bad does eventually happen.
I can't help to wonder why you only chose to address one small part of my post, but that is your option of course.
As to your response; why do you assume that feeling "pain, disgust and bad" are necessarily detrimental to a persons's life? Those are all very natural states of mind that we all feel; some to greater degrees than others. I, for example, can feel disgusted by what I've seen from the Bengals this year, yet that state of mind concerning one particular subject has no adverse affect on my overall existence.
You assert that others who have experienced the same disappointments as yourself are living their lives consumed by these states of mind prior to negative things happening. Again sir, your reasoning is a bit obscured it would seem. A person can indeed experience states of mind in anticipation of an actual outcome. States like worried and anxious come immediately to mind. For example, one might have very high hopes for the upcoming season, yet at the same time, be very weary and purposefully try to temper that hope based on past experience and outcomes as to not suffer too great of a disappointment. It does not then follow, that the same applies to their life in general.
As to your last paragraph, you would need to show me examples of people relaying those exact sentiments -- and not simply your interpretation -- before I could accurately address it; as again your argument seems to be wrapped in a very hyperbolic framework.