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I think I know what might be really hindering this franchise. ( I might be wrong)
(12-30-2018, 05:54 PM)BengalsRocker Wrote: So if we agree that fans are a part of the toxicity of the team.

1)  Wouldn't you say it's the majority of fans?

2)  Why would that be?  Surely not a vast majority of people gravitated to a team that were negative to begin with?

You could lie to these answers or wriggle around them.

I do have an honest answer though.

The team is a vacuum, and all of those have been sucked into it's negativity. 

Some were negative to begin with.  Some were poisoned by it.

It's when those fans turn apathetic when it becomes a "you problem, not a me problem" because they no longer care.

Which is the biggest shame and much worse than complaining for the team itself and it's players.


I would totally agree with you that some fans are negative. Although I dont believe its the majority. I believe most fans are disgusted and tired of the status quo, but not all choose to be consistently, vocally negative.

Why would that be? Its due to a collection of things that are well documented. MB. ML, the lack of winning, draft busts, lack of FAs, etc. It all contributes to the displeasure.

But my point wasnt about the causes of the toxicity. It was that we are contributing to it. Its amazing how defensive people have become trying to justify their negativity instead of admitting it does zero good and contributes to the overall toxicity currently surrounding the franchise. 

I would love to hear your thoughts on why it is so hard for people to admit that incessant negativity does nothing to help this franchise. 

Messages In This Thread
RE: I think I know what might be really hindering this franchise. ( I might be wrong) - Beaker - 12-31-2018, 02:10 AM

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