Poll: Russian Roulette - odds Mike finds the wrong Head Coach – POLL
Zero bullets in gun – Mike will hire the right Head Coach
1 bullet in gun – excellent chance Mike & the Organization make solid hire
2 bullets in gun – more hope than not that fans won’t get shot
3 bullets in gun – feeling like we have a 50/50 chance
4 bullets in gun – some hope but fans likely get shot
5 bullets in gun – fans have only a slim chance of not getting shot
6 bullets in gun – no chance Mike hires the right Head Coach
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How many bullets in Russian Roulette gun pointed at fans. Odds of wrong Coach - POLL
Bad news even if there is just one bullet.

Mike uses a .45 automatic for Russian roulette.

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RE: How many bullets in Russian Roulette gun pointed at fans. Odds of wrong Coach - POLL - fredtoast - 01-03-2019, 02:20 PM

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