Poll: Russian Roulette - odds Mike finds the wrong Head Coach – POLL
Zero bullets in gun – Mike will hire the right Head Coach
1 bullet in gun – excellent chance Mike & the Organization make solid hire
2 bullets in gun – more hope than not that fans won’t get shot
3 bullets in gun – feeling like we have a 50/50 chance
4 bullets in gun – some hope but fans likely get shot
5 bullets in gun – fans have only a slim chance of not getting shot
6 bullets in gun – no chance Mike hires the right Head Coach
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How many bullets in Russian Roulette gun pointed at fans. Odds of wrong Coach - POLL
Went with 2 bullets.

If fan reaction and apathy had one iota to do with Mike's decision to move on from Marvin, then he knows he's on notice. Automatic reaction will be that he doesn't care, but I have doubts this time around that I've already outlined (big TV ad campaign this year, season ticket holders defecting).

Bring an internal candidate does nothing to get people re-invested if that's the goal. Hiring certain internal candidates might even make it worse. I think a Lazor or Hue hire would be the death of this franchise in Cincinnati, literally. The team would be a bigger laughingstock than it already is and would get absolutely put through the wringer by the national media. After that, the chronic apathy would continue.

He's not just apathetic if he makes an internal hire. He's a dumbass.

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RE: How many bullets in Russian Roulette gun pointed at fans. Odds of wrong Coach - POLL - samhain - 01-03-2019, 04:01 PM

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