01-09-2019, 11:08 PM
Oh my gosh i hope it is Bienemy, sorry if I missed spelled, that would be the poo, An ex player from the past that was always all effert. in his only start for the whodeys he got his 100 yards against the oilers I belive. always liked bienemy, as far as checkered past it sounds like he got in trouble for standing up for hisself besides any family stuff, cant recall is theres a domestic there. I dont really care everyone is not a saint and I pretty sure we all did thing we regret. I would buy tickets to a game and wear my Bengal stuff if its bienemy. I think he is best choice, he can have a dave sula five years and I bet there is not a linebacker in the league that dare pat him on the head and walk away.(dave sula reference for you old guys).
p.s. mcdaniels turned us down cause he scrwed indy and would have done the same to us he can continue to be bill ballboy

p.s. mcdaniels turned us down cause he scrwed indy and would have done the same to us he can continue to be bill ballboy