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Not a word about the Bengals.....and I like it.
(09-21-2015, 07:27 PM)djs7685 Wrote: I do find it funny how a lot of the guys that are quick to trash Marvin and Mike are usually some of the loudest that complain about Carson's departure.

I apologize for actually making sense of this, but shouldn't the Marv/Mike detractors be thrilled with one of the very few guys that have essentially told them to shove it???

Save the condescending comment about how the Bengals won the war since they've gone to the playoffs a bunch since Carson left and yada yada yada. Why have an issue with how Carson "quit" if he's the guy that stuck it to the team for continuing to employ mediocre Marv?

I wouldn't consider myself a "detractor".  Say what you will about Marv but he has been the most successful coach in franchise history.  Mikey hired him and has also opened the checkbook to keep the best players here.

Carson quit on this team. He didn't leave to go to a better situation than he was in.  He went to the ***** Raiders.  Sorry if I don't have a soft spot for someone who quit on a franchise that has had more success with him being gone.

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RE: Not a word about the Bengals.....and I like it. - WhoDeyWho - 09-21-2015, 07:40 PM

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