09-22-2015, 01:39 PM
(09-21-2015, 05:29 PM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: Yeah. Especially a guy who quit on this franchise to play for the Raiders.
I wish him all the best.
(09-21-2015, 07:40 PM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: I wouldn't consider myself a "detractor". Say what you will about Marv but he has been the most successful coach in franchise history. Mikey hired him and has also opened the checkbook to keep the best players here.
Carson quit on this team. He didn't leave to go to a better situation than he was in. He went to the ***** Raiders. Sorry if I don't have a soft spot for someone who quit on a franchise that has had more success with him being gone.
(09-21-2015, 09:16 PM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: As you admit, he quit on the team. Mike Brown made the guy one of the richest QB in the history of the game at the time. Drafted AJ Green for him to throw too. Considering that we made the playoffs that same season things weren't all that disastrous. Short of Marvin and Mike tag teaming his wife I can't see any situation that would justify him quitting on the team the way he did.
(09-22-2015, 12:58 AM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: He was drafted by the Bengals. And they made him very rich. He pays them back by quitting on the team.
You act like someone from management slept with his wife. AJ would have been drafted regardless and had he stayed he would have played on playoff teams the last four seasons. And if he was so much better than Dalton, they probably would have won some playoff games.
Sorry if I'm not going to ride the jock of a dude who quit on this franchise. A franchise that's only been one of the best in the league since he has gone. Some would imply he left because this was a sinking ship and mess of a franchise. Well 4 straight playoff games says otherwise.
(09-22-2015, 01:57 AM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: I'm a Bengals fan. Why wouldn't I be emotional about the supposed leader of the team quitting after a 4-12 season? Palmer admitted himself that his reasons were "selfish". Short of the team screwing with his money or wife, I can't see a justifiable reason for his departure.
That's why I could care less for him. He made it clear what he thought about my team by the way he exited.
(09-22-2015, 08:38 AM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: You can try to justify it anyway you want but Marvin was and is the coach of the Bengals so for all intents and purposes he quit the Bengals.
I guess it was a one player mutiny. That is why he himself called it "selfish".
I agree with him.
(09-22-2015, 10:09 AM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: What!? The dude quit. I never said he assaulted anyone. I've only accused him of quitting on his fellow players and the franchise. I only brought up the wife bit, because that's about the only reason I could justifiably see the guy leaving town. Are you implying that as long as a player doesn't assault someone you are cool with them quitting? He wasn't treated badly by this franchise, so why make excuses for him? He didn't make any for himself.
And why would I be "butthurt"? The team's success has made it fairly easy to forget about him. That said, I see no reasons to make excuses for or to cheer for a guy who quit on my team.
(09-22-2015, 10:32 AM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: Marvin Lewis is the HC of the Bengals. If you don't want to play for him, you effectively don't want to play for the Bengals. And if Marvin was such a horrible guy to play for, why aren't any other players in a hurry to leave here? Players that aren't being compensated and pampered nearly as much as the starting QB?
And he said himself that his reasons were "selfish".
What else is there to say?
The only people who would defend him are people who feel the same way about Marvin and the team that he felt.
(09-22-2015, 10:56 AM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: You apologize for him because you obviously think he was justified in leaving. Why speculate on his reasons for leaving or give him the benefit of the doubt when he is quoted himself as calling them "selfish"? "Selfish" isn't a word generally used by team-first types of guys. He quit because he was selfish. He didn't want to be part of the turnaround so he quit. He obviously had no intentions on "retiring". That was the only leverage he had to force a trade off the team. Are you really that naive? I know you aren't.
And indeed I'm free to feel he is a quitter and do. I'm no more "butt hurt" about it than any reasonable person who would call themselves a fan of the Bengals would be. I don't know many Bengals fans who will be actively rooting for Carson. Carson certainly wasn't rooting for the Bengals was he?
(09-22-2015, 01:13 PM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: Yeah. Feel free to root him on. Really hope AZ wins the Super Bowl. It would be so awesome!
(09-22-2015, 01:21 PM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: Especially after they pay you a bunch of money and set you up with a team that's made the playoff 4 years in a row. Who wouldn't want to get out of such a toxic environment?
Yeah man, you're definitely not butthurt and you definitely did a great job forgetting about him.