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Game Of Thrones Season 8 Talk (Spoilers)
(05-06-2019, 05:22 AM)Bengalzona Wrote: Pretty bad week for Dany, eh. She buries Friendzone Jorah, learns that Jon is way more popular than her with the Northern crowd, keeps getting the evil eye from Sansa, loses another dragon (out of stupidity), has the Unsullied whittled down to like a couple of platoons, gets bad advice again from Tyrion ("Uh... let's go ask Cersei if she will surrender!"), and then gets to watch Missandei lose her head.

So... once again I'm left with the startling revelation: People in GoT-Land have never heard of 'reconnaissance'. I mean, seriously. You can't fly those dragons at a couple of thousand feet altitude and get a good lay-of-the-land before sailing a fleet loaded with troops into waters where you already know there is an enemy fleet? Even the Japanese at Midway had better sense than that.

Also, there is always Bran the Warg... thing. Can't he turn himself into like a U-2/Raven thing and spot for you? Or is he too caught up in watching the "Married With Targareans" reruns to even care? Dude is always like, "Uh... I'm not Bran anymore and I've got more important things to do". He's just like a teenager with an iPad or something.

It's starting to look like the best way for Dany to be queen is to wait for Nephew Jon and marry him. Varys has already figured this out. I suppose when you have no gonads, then you have plenty of time to think rational thoughts, eh. And BTW, kudos for Varys finally being the first person to say that Dany is Jon's aunt. We viewers mostly knew that by now, but no one in the show had said it yet.

So... does Dany rebound, or does Jon take over? I mean, we know that Cersei is gonna get it eventually. What about Arya? If she assassinates Cersei, maybe she could be made Queen, eh? I mean, she would have killed the two baddest baddies in the show.

Looking forward to the "Clegane Bowl".

Jaime is headed down to kings landing to put his sister down.

Or to protect his Baby.....


Arya has a role to play still but I don't think the honor of killing ceresi will be hers.

Ceresi played Danny like a fiddle and she will do something stupid and get her self killed in an act of rage.   which solves the danny/jon problem.

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RE: Game Of Thrones Season 8 Talk (Spoilers) - XenoMorph - 05-06-2019, 10:37 AM

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