07-24-2019, 03:23 PM
I wanted to thank everyone again for your responses. I had the procedure this morning (hence my writing this mid-day at home on vacation) and it went off without a hitch. When we got home the wife said I needed to come back on the boards and "pay it forward," as it were, and I agreed.
So, for anyone who is facing one now or in the future, and has never had one, it's not a big deal. I had to experience one myself before I would believe that, but it is the truth. It's cliché to say that the worst part of the whole experience is the prep the day before, but it's true. When I was drinking that horrific swill at 2 AM this morning, feeling equally hungry and nauseous, which then quickly segued into me hunkered on the john feeling sadness and shame, I couldn't have imagined feeling any worse.
The procedure was so easy it's laughable. I spoke with the anesthesiologist for a bit, then with the doctor. Then, I was wheeled back into the room and asked to turn onto my side. There was another minute of chit-chat before they administered the anesthesia. I felt dizzy for a second or two, then the next thing I knew, I was in the recovery room. I don't even remember waking up there, it was like I joined a tv program already in progress. Man, that Propofol is some good shit
And, the best part is the doctor said I don't have to come back for ten years
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
So, for anyone who is facing one now or in the future, and has never had one, it's not a big deal. I had to experience one myself before I would believe that, but it is the truth. It's cliché to say that the worst part of the whole experience is the prep the day before, but it's true. When I was drinking that horrific swill at 2 AM this morning, feeling equally hungry and nauseous, which then quickly segued into me hunkered on the john feeling sadness and shame, I couldn't have imagined feeling any worse.
The procedure was so easy it's laughable. I spoke with the anesthesiologist for a bit, then with the doctor. Then, I was wheeled back into the room and asked to turn onto my side. There was another minute of chit-chat before they administered the anesthesia. I felt dizzy for a second or two, then the next thing I knew, I was in the recovery room. I don't even remember waking up there, it was like I joined a tv program already in progress. Man, that Propofol is some good shit

And, the best part is the doctor said I don't have to come back for ten years