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Where's the excitement?! We are 4-0!!!
You are asking long time Bengals fans where their excitement is?

I think after the Bengals win next week, people will be exciteded and this city and the fans of this team will come out in force. Until then though, they will stay reserved and hopeful because in the back of their minds, that other shoe is going to drop and it is going to hurt...badly.

Just remember, fans of this team think the Bengals are "Snake Bitten".

Greg Cook
Stanley Wilson
Tim Krumrei
KiJana Carter
The 90's
Carson Palmer
The four 1 and dones in a row

People are afraid to get excited because they have been let down so many times, but after the Bengals beat the Seahawks next week, all that will change.

I'm excited though, I'm ready to go!

Song of Solomon 2:15
Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.

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RE: Where's the excitement?! We are 4-0!!! - Nebuchadnezzar - 10-04-2015, 10:15 PM

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