10-24-2019, 10:44 PM
(10-24-2019, 06:57 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Ha!
Blame other people for my mistake?! I'm a public "speaker" to prevent kids and adults from making the same mistake I did, but I blame other people?!
Why do you think it's ok to continuously take false shots at me in order to try and make me look bad? And, like in this instant, you'll never admit that you're wrong.
And the judge ruled that his parents had no way of foreseeing that he'd drink, yet you just said that every parent can! You're arguing against yourself now!
Also, the fact that you deleted your post, as well as the false things you post, shows that you'll do anything, and go to any lengths, to win an argument, but it never works out.
My parents sued his parents,
The cemetery was liable because the caretaker (our friend's dad and they lived in the cemetery) let us drink back there, bought us beer, and set the stage for what happened to happen.
We were 15, and we don't drive anywhere if we don't have the cemetery to go to (it was just up the street), we don't get drunk in the cemetery, and we don't go speeding/joy riding if the gates were locked, like they were supposed to be by law.
We were 15 implies youre probably still not even 21. You clearly have a problem owning personal responsibility, frankly your entire premise here is patently absurd, and it kind of pisses me off you even remotely think you have a justification to sue over something you were stupid enough to do. The fact that your parents are the one that brought the lawsuit tells me you've gotten this totally warped sense of logic from them, which is a damn shame.
If every single person is telling you the same thing, maybe you should stop and accept the fact that its you and not the rest of the world. This is some frivilous McDonalds hot coffee b.s. get real dude and grow up.