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"Oh what tangled webs we weave"....The Finley situation
(11-01-2019, 11:45 PM)rfaulk34 Wrote: lol.

Here's a perfectly reasonable post explaining where i stand. One you completely ignore.

And right after that post, you pick this out to reply to.

Here's another thorough post spreading the blame around and giving legitimate reasons why a different QB could help the team.

And here's your reply to it. Finding one example, a guy who rips Dalton to shreds all the time...

Here's a poster that realizes i post plenty of positive stuff about Dalton.

Here's a post that very succinctly explains the question i was asking before you started making up shit about how i was saying "all that matters" when shooting down your and other's examples.

Now back to the misquotes and made up stuff. 

I don't know where the hell you came up with this. Mixon is widely regarded as a better RB than Dalton is a QB.

Here's a perfect post to highlight your hypocrisy. I used raw stats to show that Keenum was playing better than Dalton and you posted to disagree, citing some lesser player being better than Khalil Mack because he had more stats...yet, you argued and mocked me that Dalton had a better game than Brissett had against the Colts because DALTON HAD BETTER RAW STATS! You can't make this stuff up, folks. Well, Fred can...

And here's you going on about that damn Gopher again...
Sorry, just had to break up the monotony of all these posts.  Mellow

Back to the misquotes...
And here's another instance, in a long line of instances, of me explaining what i specifically was looking for.

And here i am saying that the types of gameS i'm looking for are the one's that elevate QBs in the eyes of commentators and fans. And your reply?...
"Single game"??? Who the **** said anything about a single game?

Here's some more of that bullshit. I said "overall great game", you know...where he plays well throughout? Not just in the first half? And you completely butcherd the post and make shit up.

I said 'elevate QBs in other's eyes'. You changed it to...

"won't count". Your favorite made up word.

Ok, that's quite enough for one night and it's just posts from the Dalton sub-forum. There's tenfold in JN. You misquote, make up your own words and logic and build up strawmen like you own a damn farm with the worlds biggest cornfield. But after doing that to not only me, but several people on this forum, you turn right around and tell people to stop--or they can't--make(ing) stuff up. 

If you're still confused after all this, seek help because you have a clear pattern of all you've been accused of and i'm not going to continue to waste my time showing you stuff you said. 

I'll just end for now, with this...

This is just me being Nostradamus, as usual.  Mellow

How long did it take you to put that together?

Seems just putting Fred on Ignore would be a quicker option. :-)

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