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How timing affects the perception of a coach
I concede that we don't have the roster of a playoff team...however this team can't win a single game. And we've played some bad teams.

Also, most of the players on the roster have regressed. I get that he didn't inherit a roster full of Pro Bowl players, but we did have some talent...and a lot of those guys have gotten worse this year.

The entire staff is just so inexperienced that I don't know how they will improve. Generally you need veteran coaches to give mentorship to a guy this inexperienced. We have none of that here. A Del Rio would have been extremely valuable.

Then, I look at the draft. Yes - Jonah got hurt. But Sample, when healthy barely played. Pratt has been meh. Wren and Jordan have struggled. It looks like a total flop.

I also look at the playcalling. It's predictable. On 3rd and 7 you're getting a 3 yard pass. It's just been bad. We don't seem to throw to TE's. We don't throw to Mixon. IF we do throw to TE's, we don't run the ball. It seems he has no concept of balance. Like early in the year Dalton threw the ball 50+ times a game, then Finley gets in there and they actually run it. Well, with Dalton that might have worked!

And I see you state you haven't seen anything impressive which is where I'm at. It's just really hard to see him improving things in a year...unless the Bengals sign a Conklin at RT and Scherff at Guard. IF they just think they can fix this through the draft or with Tier 3 free agents, he'll fail.

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RE: How timing affects the perception of a coach - THE PISTONS - 11-27-2019, 01:13 PM

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