01-20-2020, 11:06 AM
(01-10-2020, 04:49 PM)Donnyho Wrote: I believe “Miami Connection” and “Hard Ticket to Hawaii” are both on YouTube. I can’t recommend “Miami Connection” enough. It’s fantastic.
It is?
Are all the softcore scenes intact? 'cause I've seen tits on YT (in Sopranos clips), but all of Sidaris' films have a TON of softcore porn in them lol.
Speaking of, I can't remember what DVD I purchased, but it was cheap on eBay and the seller threw in, "3 free DVDs!," with it. All three DVDs were part of an Andy Sidaris pack, I think called Babes, Bullets and... something else with a B lol.
Anyways, Buff Bagwell is in one (or is it 2?) of the films, along with Julie Strain (the chick who was in Heavy Metal 2000, known for being like 6'1 tall and is VERY attractive) and a bunch of other softcore regulars and the like. I think I watched just one of the films, found it atrocious (lol) and haven't bothered with the other ones. I believe it's at my parent's house, but no idea where it is now.
So yes, any film by Andy Sidaris will be a horrid film

Cats that came out recently, has been flayed alive by everyone and is currently sitting at 2.8/10 on imdb. From what I gather, it's because the CGI is absolute shit.
Going back to Softcore films, I've only ever seen Skyscraper, but check out Anna Nicole Smith's films; also horrid, terrible films, but ANS is indeed a gorgeous woman (whoever thought she could act was completely out to lunch). Skyscraper has Deron McBee in it, complete with his trademark massive hair (he was one of the original American Gladiators {Malibu} and was in Mortal Kombat: Annihilation).
Then there are the Pamela Anderson films, where she's the best thing in it (from an acting and visual standpoint); Snapdragon, Raw Justice... and there's one more I can't remember, culminating with Barb Wire. Though I haven't seen it, from everything I've read, Barb Wire is actually not too bad (not in the category with the above films, anyways), but people killed it because it was a Pamela Anderson vehicle and nothing more.
It's also not, "BAD," but Gareth Evans' (the Raid films, arguably the best action films since the year 2000, the second one especially) first feature, Footsteps, is clearly a student-film/pet project that he made when he was graduating from film school and it is... rough. I'd give it a 5/10 at best. Production values are significantly less that the above-mentioned films (hence it being rough), but it is a bit better, otherwise.