02-11-2020, 03:16 PM
(02-10-2020, 04:33 PM)TJHoushmandzadeh Wrote: I think you're missing that it's only an assistant position coach hire.
He's someone that knows the NFL from his 8 years as a player and has a similar amount of college coaching experience - covering both WRs and as offensive co-ordinator.
He's someone who was offensive co-ordinator for the top scoring offense in the country in 2017.
Elsewhere his players seem productive under his tutelage:
His main WR at Nebreska broke all school receiving records (and is now on the Bengals)
His main WR at Colorado broke 43 Colorado and Pac-12 records
His main WR at NC State was the all-purpose leader in the ACC
His main WR at Texas A&M broke the school records for most season and career touchdowns and was second for receiving yards
He's also a former finalist for the Broyles Award for the best College Assistant Coach and someone rated his coaching enough to pay him $700,000 a year.
As a layman that seems a decent resume for an assistant position coach. I don't expect he'll stay an assistant WR coach for long.
Sounds like a GREAT hire honestly. Thanks for this man.