04-02-2020, 05:40 PM
(03-24-2020, 08:58 PM)samhain Wrote: I know a few dudes I work with dealt with odd non-flu respiratory illnesses in the last month. One got mildly ill for about 2 weeks with sore throat/cough. He got tested for the flu (negative) and continued to work. His elderly mother (78) was hospitalized not long after he got sick for breathing problems, so he probably gave her whatever he had. Both are okay now.
Another guy who's 25 years old and pretty vigorously healthy got sick as hell. He tested negative for the flu and had issues breathing for a solid week. He was afraid to lay down because he couldn't breathe when he did. He's also fine now. Similar issues spread through his work group in the following month.
Hard to say what was up without conclusive testing, but it's possible that this illness has been here longer than we realize.
I know 5 people who were sick as hell in Jan from bad respiratory colds. My sister and niece were down for 2 weeks. They tested negative for the flu. My girlfriend is a traveling nurse and she got sick as heck in Jan as well, while working in Utah, and it took her nearly two weeks to get over her cough. She suspects it was covid and this has been here as long as it has been in China. Considering there were people traveling from China to the states during the beginning of this it kind of makes sense that covid has been in the US for a few months now. Obviously now nation leaders around the world are pointing fingers at China for lying.