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Joe Burrow Impacts Every Room
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Joe Burrow Impacts Every Room
Hey Guys, what a great draft so far! I wanted to create a thread about the impact of Joe Burrow and how it expands far beyond just the QB room. We often say that these elite players elevate the team around them. Here is how I see Joe's influence making each room (and certain key players) better. This post will be full of optimism, sorry guys! I can only hope that some of the following will be true.

I've watched endless interviews and pressers of everything Joe Burrow and what I've learned is that his leadership is what has gotten him here today. His personality brings out the most in his teammates and I can't see that changing here. Everyone who has interacted with Joe glows with appreciation for him. I see that impact being the biggest benefit to his arrival to our franchise. Without further ado...

The O-lineman (this is the big one)
A great QB can inspire his teammates to 'have their back'. Joe understands this. The first thing Joe did in his Heisman speech was name each of his O-lineman and appreciate all they had done to get him there. They were NOT forgotten. A QBs relationship with his hogmollies is ever important and Joe will begin to develop a bromance with guys like Jonah Williams immediately.. It's easier to defend a guy you hold dear to your heart IMO. Additionally, In Joe's senior year, he was asked to direct the protections in what was majority a 5 man front. This meant that Joe 1) has the intelligence to direct blocking schemes to better protect himself and 2) has the trust of his lineman to follow their commanders orders for the best results. There will be greater confidence amongst that group in the protection schemes once Joe has acclimated himself to what they are doing. Lastly, and this is the big one, Joe can mask the deficiencies when they do inevitably make mistakes. I am (and still am) a huge Dalton homer, however, I recognize his weaknesses. Andy is a snap and throw type of QB, he doesn't do well in improv situations. Sure, he launched that bomb to Tate, and he there was that sweet babyhawk play, but the amount of these plays are too few and far between. Go watch Joe, you'll see his ability to shift in pocket, step up or roll-out is his greatest tool on the field. This ability can mask a lines bad play and will make a guy like Bobby Hart 50% more 'efficient' due to the fact that Joe can feel the pressure coming quickly and adjust his base to make a play. In theory, the line should look much better next year, thanks to Joe.

The wide reliever group (inspiring new and old)
We all feel it, Andy Dalton has gotten a bit stale around here. I personally feel it has taken an effect on AJ Green and I don't believe that newer players (particularly John Ross) have confidence in Andy to do what he needs to do to put them in the best position. It isn't necessarily fair, but these younger guys have been conditioned to know that Dalton is not a playoff king and is as average as they come... In comes Joe, who is POLARIZING. AJ Green might not realize it now, but as camp plays out and he becomes familiar with Joe, he will be rejuvenated. Barring health concerns, I see these guys gelling quickly. Happy AJ will return, and our thoughts of releasing him will fade away. Our stud is back. Thank Joe. Additionally, guys like Ross need a real confidence boost. I saw the thread about what Housh said, apparently this guy has been neutered in the last 3 years. Thankfully, guys like Joe instill confidence in his teammates. Not to mention, if Ross's troubles are related to a lack of confidence in Andy, here is his chance to hit the restart button. Burrow will recognize the potential weapon he has here and will make sure to get him involved, that's just what great leaders do. Lastly, the entrance of Tee Higgins is huge for this team. When Joe gets him involved, I imagine our offense being similar to when the Cardinals drafted Anquan Boldin. Established vet in Fitz (Green in our case) with a fresh #2 who can tear it up. I'm loving the idea.

The running backs (let's get hyped)
One thing that really stood out to me during our losing season was the emotional investment of Joe Mixon. I know he wants the big contract, but I personally hope we find a way to keep him. I haven't seen many players with the weekly persistence to be positive when all is lost like Mixon did last season. Guys like Burrow will feed that mentality. With Joe (Burrow) as the brains and Joe (Mixon) as the heart of this Offense, I see a great JoJo pairing. Looking forward to watching the relationship between those two. We also still have Gio Bernard at our disposal, who isn't a scrub. Clyde Edwards Helaire thrived with Joe as his QB and I expect Gio to as well. Get that man in space in the flat, but don't get him laid out like Dalton did.... Gio may end up being a factor again, a pleasant surprise for us fans who still love him.

The TEs (You don't need premier talent here)
I think we have a decent group of guys and I'm excited to see if Drew Sample can make an impact this year. I saved this group for last on purpose... a bit of an afterthought if you will.... Once Joe has maximized the potential of the receiving room and RBs, there is going to be space for the TEs to work. I expect CJs personality to mesh well with this new JoJo culture, and his potential will be increased as well.

In summary, there have been comments on here from certain members (who will remain un-named) that don't believe Joe will have a game-changing impact the other position groups on offense and defense. I highly disagree. In fact, I think once the offense has been 'Burrow-ized', the defense will follow suit. They won't want to be left behind. This is why elite QBs go #1. This is why guys like Peyton Manning and Andrew Luck turned around franchises by their 2nd year. This is why guys like Cam Newton can take lowly franchises like the Panthers and get them to the SuperBowl. This is why Joe Burrow is the greatest thing to happen to us in this millennium.

Messages In This Thread
Joe Burrow Impacts Every Room - GreenCornBengal - 04-25-2020, 10:11 AM
RE: Joe Burrow Impacts Every Room - Synric - 04-25-2020, 02:55 PM
RE: Joe Burrow Impacts Every Room - 'E' - 04-25-2020, 08:07 PM
RE: Joe Burrow Impacts Every Room - sloSTI - 04-25-2020, 06:15 PM

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