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Covid-19 Discussion (Non-Political Only)
(04-29-2020, 07:18 AM)reuben.ahmed Wrote: An ice cream truck came through the neighborhood yesterday in Cleveland, and you can imagine what happened. A facebook post was made in our neighborhood group about it and loads of people said "let the kids be kids!" which I just couldn't ignore, lol. It resulted in an ER nurse getting into a "discussion" with me, or maybe argument. I don't like most of my neighbors anyway (who could like a Browns fan?), so I don't care if I look like an idiot trying to protect their own kids or my own family.

If both parties wear a mask, it's better than if both parties don't, just try not to touch your face during that short period of time. If I do have to get out of the house, I wear a mask and I try to get in and out as quickly as possible, mainly because I can sense myself wanting to touch the mask lol.

One big discussion I had was with their "we have to get back to normalcy". I want the Bengals to win a championship, just because I want to, doesn't mean it will happen, and it doesn't mean it will happen right now. You have to act based on data, not just willy nilly. For an ER Nurse to tell me data doesn't come into play, is odd, considering that's basically all they do - diagnoses and react to data.

The other big discussion surrounded wearing a mask. If you hear an ice cream truck the kids are going to automatically congregate and 95% of them over here are not wearing masks. Being an asymptomatic carrier at their age, it's probably not a good thing. They're petri dishes.

This nurse also told me she's at higher risk because she's a nurse but with all proper precautions she is fine, and she doesn't wear a mask in public. I told her that's interesting, but if I walk through a minefield and I come out fine, it doesn't mean the minefield was safe. It's very easy for me to see people who give personal experience and try to apply it to everyone, unfortunately that's not how it works but it's the way our brain works. "This is my experience, so it must be true" is an immature view.

Some of the stronger of us need to just wear the mask at the store. When I go to the store, I see 75% of people and employees wearing. It' sa shock at first, yes. But if you want to get back to a small percentage of normalcy, we have to do things we didn't before. It doesn't take long for people to be forced to new social norms, like, wearing a mask.

I see united airlines is going to give free masks ot passengers, but won't ask anyone to wear them. I think if they're breathable (which in my personal experience has been tough to find), you will be looked down upon if you're *not* wearing it. It's free (in that scenario). It's too bad in USA we can't give them out for free.

I visited Tokyo 15 years ago, and they had disposable umbrellas. I found that insane but it rains so much there (and in spurts, not all day necessarily), you could find a $1 umbrella on the street that probably didn't last longer than a day.

What did she say exactly? Because it sounds like she is full of BS.

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RE: Covid-19 Discussion (Non-Political Only) - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 04-29-2020, 09:03 PM

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