05-27-2020, 02:02 PM
Celery is smart, as you'll burn more than you consume. Same with grapefruit.
I too consumed a ton of diet pop and sugarfree gum (I was a huge gum-chewer my entire life, until...) and then I got skin cancer on my tongue...
I know and am well-aware that aspartame doesn't cause malignancy (and it has been proven as such), but they do **** up cells' ability to regenerate, to an extent and the sugar alcohols in the gum I was chewing, was awful.
And I was 21, so it's not like I had 50 years of boozing or anything like that. So on that end, everything in moderation (which I wasn't doing lol). Will say though, that time around when I had my cancer, I got down to 192 pounds, the lightest I had been since I was 13.
BTW, I absolutely do not intend for it to sound like I'm demeaning or on a high horse or anything, but just reading this thread, man, Americans eat like crap lol.
I have salad for dinner, 3 times a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) and my salad is a lettuce (duh lol, usually romaine), avocado, smoked salmon. Sometimes, I will add another protein (either tuna, feta cheese or bocconcini) if it is lying around: this is a staple, without fail meal that I have been eating for the past 4 years (and for lunches, many, many times in the previous 10 years of my life) and all ingredients are bought at a store.
Wednesday is either rotisserie chicken, pizza or (once a month, MAYBE) fast food. Friday is always fish/seafood (usually buy salmon or get sushi) and then the weekend is time to have some barbecue, Chinese food, something a bit unhealthier.
All this and I have dropped down to 245, as of yesterday, at 6'0 and will be 31 in 2 weeks; my blood sugar and blood pressure levels, kidney numbers and cholesterol levels, are all those of a 15 year-old, healthy male.
I'm still trying to put down weight, but the job is a major hurdle (and the reason why I gained so much weight in the past 3 years, in the first place). My advice is always, don't stick to, "a diet," or anything of that nature; simply be consistent, day to day, week to week, in what you eat and eat good food; I would NEVER buy tomato sauce in a jar, at a store (blasphemous), we've had the same BBQ sauce in our fridge since the end of 2018 and Sunday was the first time I deep-fried anything, since the first week of April.
It may seem hard, but once you fuel your body with nutritious things, you will crave salads, fruit, lean meat and seafood, etc.; stop eating fast food and unnecessary carbs and you'll never crave them again!
(at least, you shouldn't
(05-26-2020, 11:20 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I found it was easier to quit cold turkey from things like bread and pasta than try to eat alternatives. Buy sugar free candy and diet soda to deal with those cravings.
For snacks, peanuts and slim Jim’s or jerky. Walmart sells these good turkey sticks by their jerky.
I too consumed a ton of diet pop and sugarfree gum (I was a huge gum-chewer my entire life, until...) and then I got skin cancer on my tongue...
I know and am well-aware that aspartame doesn't cause malignancy (and it has been proven as such), but they do **** up cells' ability to regenerate, to an extent and the sugar alcohols in the gum I was chewing, was awful.
And I was 21, so it's not like I had 50 years of boozing or anything like that. So on that end, everything in moderation (which I wasn't doing lol). Will say though, that time around when I had my cancer, I got down to 192 pounds, the lightest I had been since I was 13.
BTW, I absolutely do not intend for it to sound like I'm demeaning or on a high horse or anything, but just reading this thread, man, Americans eat like crap lol.
I have salad for dinner, 3 times a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) and my salad is a lettuce (duh lol, usually romaine), avocado, smoked salmon. Sometimes, I will add another protein (either tuna, feta cheese or bocconcini) if it is lying around: this is a staple, without fail meal that I have been eating for the past 4 years (and for lunches, many, many times in the previous 10 years of my life) and all ingredients are bought at a store.
Wednesday is either rotisserie chicken, pizza or (once a month, MAYBE) fast food. Friday is always fish/seafood (usually buy salmon or get sushi) and then the weekend is time to have some barbecue, Chinese food, something a bit unhealthier.
All this and I have dropped down to 245, as of yesterday, at 6'0 and will be 31 in 2 weeks; my blood sugar and blood pressure levels, kidney numbers and cholesterol levels, are all those of a 15 year-old, healthy male.
I'm still trying to put down weight, but the job is a major hurdle (and the reason why I gained so much weight in the past 3 years, in the first place). My advice is always, don't stick to, "a diet," or anything of that nature; simply be consistent, day to day, week to week, in what you eat and eat good food; I would NEVER buy tomato sauce in a jar, at a store (blasphemous), we've had the same BBQ sauce in our fridge since the end of 2018 and Sunday was the first time I deep-fried anything, since the first week of April.
It may seem hard, but once you fuel your body with nutritious things, you will crave salads, fruit, lean meat and seafood, etc.; stop eating fast food and unnecessary carbs and you'll never crave them again!
(at least, you shouldn't