05-31-2020, 01:59 AM
(05-30-2020, 05:31 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: It doesn't matter at all that black people resist more than white people. That statement ignores the history of police violence towards black people and it is the policeman's job to break that cycle, not the black people.
We live in a world where a cop can claim that he was scared and feared for his life as a reason to killing an unarmed person and then that same unarmed person is told (or rather, people who are outraged at his death are told) that if they just followed the rules and didn't resist arrest/panic, they'd still be alive.
We're literally victim blaming victims of police brutality and then wondering why people are pissed off at the police right now.
Police are paid and trained to de-escalate situations. It is not the job of the victims of police brutality to de-escalate the situation. The victims are unarmed, untrained and scared. It should be expected that they act irrationally when a gun (or taser, or whatever) is being waved in their face.
Police have a history of violence towards blacks. Blacks have a history of violence towards police. It's the responsibility of both to break the cycle, because both parties are going to point at each other with the "They started it" rhetoric.
What's the solution, then? Should suspects just be allowed to resist as much as they want because they're scared? Should cops just be able shoot first and ask questions later because they're scared?
It's all of our responsibilities as citizens to not commit crimes. If people didn't commit crimes, the cops wouldn't need to arrest them. If the cops didn't need to arrest them, then people wouldn't be resisting arrest. If people weren't resisting arrest, then there'd be no excessive force. Maybe the solution is we all take responsibility for ourselves as individuals and quit blaming groups?