07-15-2020, 08:32 AM
They screwed the pooch way back when Fauci came out and lied to people and told them not to wear masks, as they increase your likelyhood of contracting it because you will be touching you face more. Then he comes out and admits he said that just so people wouldn't hoard masks. Sorry Tony, your credibility went out the window with that one. Now people don't believe a thing you say. How many people contracted it because they were following your false advice?
So, here we are, with Governors placing "mandates" on the populace that they wear masks, and people are revolting. Here in KY, the Governor's Executive Orders all just got smacked down in court. They've handled this all wrong. Americans, by nature, will do what it takes to keep this country safe when asked. Americans, also by nature, do not like being told they HAVE to do something without whatever that is going through legislature. They should have first gotten their stories together so they aren't sending mixed messages, then focused on educating the public and appealing to people's sense of patriotism. And, they should have kept politics out of it instead of playing the constant "Gotcha" game. When it comes to "Mericans, you get more by asking that you do trying to force something. Don't believe me, ask King George.
So, here we are, with Governors placing "mandates" on the populace that they wear masks, and people are revolting. Here in KY, the Governor's Executive Orders all just got smacked down in court. They've handled this all wrong. Americans, by nature, will do what it takes to keep this country safe when asked. Americans, also by nature, do not like being told they HAVE to do something without whatever that is going through legislature. They should have first gotten their stories together so they aren't sending mixed messages, then focused on educating the public and appealing to people's sense of patriotism. And, they should have kept politics out of it instead of playing the constant "Gotcha" game. When it comes to "Mericans, you get more by asking that you do trying to force something. Don't believe me, ask King George.