07-15-2020, 01:32 PM
(07-14-2020, 09:44 PM)Earendil Wrote: Please forgive my tone, I'm a bit cranky on this subject as I know people who have died.
Personally, I think requiring people to wear a mask is a small sacrifice for the greater good of all. And I say that as an asthmatic who gets panic attacks from wearing a mask.
I agree with you Earendil. Sorry for your loss.
(07-14-2020, 10:59 PM)jason Wrote: It's a shame that it has to come to a mandate... Being told that wearing the damn things indoors in public (they aren't asking people to sleep in them) will significantly reduce the spread of virus should be enough. Just today the director of the CDC said if everyone would just wear the damn mask in those situations we could really knock this MFer down in 8 weeks.... Not be done with it, but get it under control. Then maybe there'd be a chance that we could have some sort of half assed football season. Right now; it ain't happenin'. In your last sentence you said we need to protect the most vulnerable... That's what the mask does. It is the smallest of inconveniences, and people are being total drama queens about it.
It's probably a lil different out there in God's county, but shit is getting outta hand in many places, and it's hotter than I'd like it to be where I live. Just today New York said Ohioans need to stay out... The epicenter a while back told us that.
Yeah, if I was in a big city I would definitely be wearing a mask to protect the most vulnerable, that is for sure.