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Carlos speaks out about Racism and Bengals
(09-04-2020, 05:18 PM)fredtoast Wrote: As I said before burning the flag has everything to do with not liking what is going on in this country.  It is a form of protest.  It is absurd to claim that people just hate America for no reason and want to destroy it even though they live here.

I'm going to have to strongly disagree with you.

A lot of the people who are burning the flag are doing so for much more than what is currently going on, or what has recently happened.  In fact, flag burning is not something you see a lot of in organized, peaceful BLM protests.

To characterize this act as something done solely in protest of racial and socio-ecomomic issues I think is completely disingenious.

Some (almost all) who resort to this act are protesting the country itself, not singular issues.  They do indeed hate America. And not just America right now, and now just some of it's history. They hate it, or they believe they do, at it's very core.

These are people who expouse socialist ideology.  Many of whom most likely reference Guevara or point on the literacy rate in Cuba under Castro.  "Eat the rich" types if you will.

Radicalists, anarchists, left-wing nutjobs.  They truly hate this country.  It has nothing to do with a protest of an issue that can be solved or addressed.  It's a protest of everything that this country represents.

Now, I'm sure you'll come back with one of your trademark rebuttals, where you'll twist the words around or shift the conversation.  But I think you know deep down that the above is true.

At the very least, I think you can at least admit that the burning of the American flag is the least effective form of protest ever.  What does it accomplish?  What is their end game?  Are they enacting change by doing it?  Are they gaining supporters by this act.

There's a million others ways to protest, and there's a million more ways to effectively do it.  This act has nothing to do with actually accomplishing anything though. 

It's a bunch of indocrinated dimwits, that enjoy a better life than 90%+ of people who the world, larping like they in the midst of some historical revolution.  And they record themselves on their 500+ smart phones, while eating 3 square meals a day doing it.  But at least they can share on social meda just what "difference" they're making out there.

These people are absolute losers.  And that act, and the ideologies behind it, are extremely dangerous.  To describe as anything else is absurd.


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RE: Carlos speaks out about Racism and Bengals - IcoHolic - 09-03-2020, 10:12 PM
RE: Carlos speaks out about Racism and Bengals - Wes Mantooth - 09-04-2020, 06:14 PM

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