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When will the Bengals front office realize..........?
(09-28-2020, 04:43 PM)WestCoastBengalsFan Wrote: It wasn't done in the off-season because Turner convinced Zac/Tobin that they had the guys and he could make them all take a giant leap and Zac bought into it.

For your second question, Tobin has been really bad at picking Oline players for years now, Zac hasn't really addressed much as he's reliant of Turner, Zac has the rest of the team to worry about too. 

Let me clarify your other point about the changes Zac did make, i.e. Preston Brown, Ross, etc. What I'm saying above about the paper-tiger comment is that he has now had 3 weeks of real games to evaluate what's going on with the O-line, it's Monday afternoon and Turner still has a job. If the plan is to hold on for dear life until next season until any meaningful decisions are made then why keep the Turner for the rest of this year? Darrin Simmons is the most experience guy here and could easily fill in. Accountability matters right now before the season is lost and not just in off-season moves. You have good points about who would actually be available this season and would we even want those players/coaches anyway but something needs to be done to light a fire and show results matter. Get Tobin involved in the discussion too and make a trade of draft picks if necessary,  we have to get someone to protect Burrow. I hope we can agree that Burrow has the makings of a generational talent, why risk that in his first season? He's worth the investment in my opinion.

How do we know Turner convinced Tobin/Taylor?

I'm not sure former punter and life time Special Teams coach Simmons could be an O-line coach with no notice. Even if he could, it'll likely end up weakening special teams more than it improves the O-line.

The biggest issue at the moment is O-line and we're going to rely on someone who has been really bad at picking Oline players for years to fix it?
Change has to start with Tobin. 

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RE: When will the Bengals front office realize..........? - TJHoushmandzadeh's Shiny Shoes - 09-28-2020, 05:34 PM

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