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Steelers angry with Burfict over Bell injury
Hoping the best for Le'Veon, he is a good guy.

But to the Steelers fans whining about "dirty play" from King-Tez, as many have said, F*ck them! Karma is a b*tch, and it's about godd*mn time they were on this side of a devastating injury in a game. Again, want to reiterate that I am not celebrating an injury to Bell. He is a special player, and I hope he makes a quick recovery.. But for the fans... in true Steeler obliviousness of self-awareness, look how these a$sholes react when they are on this side of an injury.

Palmer - To his credit, Kimo did look upset after he realized Palmer was injured
K Rivers - H Ward seen celebrating with teammates after cheap shot even after Rivers was hurt.
Huber - Steelers fans take offense when Bengals fans suggest Garvin's hit was dirty

The list goes on. A Google search of "Steelers dirty hits" offers the following results:

And my favorite, although it is satire:

Messages In This Thread
RE: Steelers angry with Burfict over Bell injury - #1 Bengal Fan in KS - 11-01-2015, 10:21 PM
RE: Steelers angry with Burfict over Bell injury - #1 Bengal Fan in KS - 11-01-2015, 11:06 PM
RE: Steelers angry with Burfict over Bell injury - LC_Bengals630513 - 11-02-2015, 04:21 AM

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