02-04-2021, 12:23 PM
(02-03-2021, 07:11 PM)Sled21 Wrote: And maybe I am a homer, I'll own that, but that's just to counter all you so called Bengals fans who act more like Steelers fans in Smack Talk when it comes to discussing this team. it's actually quite amazing the Administrators and Moderators don't enforce the "Fans only" in Jungle Noise on some of you considering some of the comments made here.
Fwiw, I don't think reading any single post on here has bothered me more than this one right here.
Sure, there's been numerous times where someone's (singular) fandom has been called into question. And there's been countless innuendos and insinuations that there are some ways to be a better a fan than others. But you really laid all out on the line here didn't you? Called out a sizeable group of people, and made it clear as day that you don't even think they belong on JN.
BS!!!! Some (a lot) of fans actually want to talk about everything that surrounds their team. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Nothing is off limits. And some (a lot) of fans are extemely passionate about their teams, to the point of having absolutely no issue with venting, questioning, or outright ripping certain moves.
I swear, some people (people like you) must live in this bubble of world where they're not at all exposed to what makes up sports in general, or their respective fanbases. It's like you've cut yourself off from anything that isn't Bengals.com, an AP article, ESPN, or team focused material.
You must be completely oblivious to what makes up New York fans, Boston fans, Philly fans, Chicago fans, any Euro foutbol club's fans . Actually, scratch all that, and just replace those names with "ALL FANS".
This is how sports work. None of the complaints you see, or the type of opinions held on this site are unique to Bengals fans. Hell, they're not even unique to NFL fans, or American fans. Like I said, this is how it works.
So, while you question if many should even be on here, because to you they resemble "Steelers fans in Smacktalk" (dumbest take ever), I question whether you should be on here.
Maybe this isn't the place for you. Maybe having rational conversations, where often warranted criticism occurs is too much for you. Maybe you're just not the type of fan that can engage in or enjoy those conversations. Maybe you're not looking to talk about a lot of what a forum offers. And that's ok. You just need to find another outlet. Could be the Bomb Squad, could be with friends, could be a lot of places. But it's pretty clear a message board isn't the place for you.
Let's be honest, you take a lot of offense to what you read. You also offer very little in terms of discussion. So why exactly are you here? To just run around and correct the perceived wrongs? That's gotta be pretty boring.
Truthfully, Jungle Noise is one of the more positive sports related boards I've seen. The fact you find it to be littered with frauds and non-fans says so much about you and your experience. Do me a favor, go check out pretty much any losing teams message board. ANY of them. Here, I'll even give you one: Go to BearcatJournal and read some of the posts on the basketball forum, and come back here.
Go to reddit, go twitter, go to Michigan's 247 football page. Seriously, do it. Then tell us all if JN truly has a problem with their "so called fans" or tell me if you have a problem with being an overly sensitive homer. Or better yet, just leave and don't come back.