02-09-2021, 05:11 PM
(02-05-2021, 05:19 PM)MileHighGrowler Wrote: Man, single best way to understand flavor. I started getting into tiki cocktails last winter and suddenly my rum collection went from a bottle of Bacardi to about 15 varieties. I sampled each of them neat before ever using them to understand the nuance of flavor each had. If I ever want to sub one for another, I'll do an A/B with each poured neat to again pull those characters. I do the same with cooking. Any spice, herb, veggie, fruit, meat... I want to try them all individually to understand how their components will work together in a dish. I do the same with brewing beer. Flavor is an adventure I'm always happy to take! And like I tell my kids all the time, you might not like it, it might not be your favorite, but it's good to experience and understand and learn to verbalize what you're tasting or smelling.
Being in tune with the food we eat might sound weirdly hippy or new age to some, but we form healthier eating habits and learn to savor the moment a lot more when we connect with our food through our senses. I see a lot of my French heritage in that approach, too. I was in Germany for work a couple of years ago (I'm part German as well), and meals were all about utility. Limited flavors, limited variety, eating with both fork and knife in each hand at all times, racing through meals. And skipping meals a lot. I visited some family in France that same trip, and every meal was an occasion. Everyone came together, had great conversation, enjoyed each moment in each other's company. Meals lasted forever, multiple small courses. Different drinks. Eating what was in season, but such variety of flavors and colors. And such pride in the locally sourced ingredients and the sharing of the meal experience. Unless you hate your family, that's pretty much my dream meal scenario. I didn't want to leave and go back to Germany after that visit!

Growing up in an Italian household (still is now, basically lol), I know this sentiment to a T and I still stand by it (eating together, even if it is just myself, my wife and my dog, we all eat together). My dad tends to make dinner more of a production than I do, but I still adhere to manners and etiquette, not to mention just plain, good eats