02-15-2021, 02:02 AM
I was playing a cash game of poker online because I'm in a Facebook group where we all play.
I was down $480 at one point and I got lucky and sucked out on a dude, so I'm back up about $30 on the night.
I get dealt pocket aces in the big blind and the dude under the gun raises to $10, which there were two more callers, so three people in the pot when it got back to me. The one guy only has something like $121 and the other two have close to a grand, so they can afford to call and they both have been pretty aggressive, so I'm thinking that I need to make them pay to see it and I raise it to $40 because they've been calling with nothing all night and catching. The one with $121 calls but the other two fold.
The flop comes ace, ace, six.

I check and the guy pushes so I end up winning something like 150, but if I bet smaller and the other two call and then that guy ends up pushing after the flop and maybe one or both of the other two call, but then I win twice as much and maybe even more if they hit and bet big.
It was good luck and horrible luck at the same time. I guess it all evens out because of my suck-out earlier.
I was down $480 at one point and I got lucky and sucked out on a dude, so I'm back up about $30 on the night.
I get dealt pocket aces in the big blind and the dude under the gun raises to $10, which there were two more callers, so three people in the pot when it got back to me. The one guy only has something like $121 and the other two have close to a grand, so they can afford to call and they both have been pretty aggressive, so I'm thinking that I need to make them pay to see it and I raise it to $40 because they've been calling with nothing all night and catching. The one with $121 calls but the other two fold.
The flop comes ace, ace, six.

I check and the guy pushes so I end up winning something like 150, but if I bet smaller and the other two call and then that guy ends up pushing after the flop and maybe one or both of the other two call, but then I win twice as much and maybe even more if they hit and bet big.
It was good luck and horrible luck at the same time. I guess it all evens out because of my suck-out earlier.