02-23-2021, 07:44 PM
Today was Gregory Rosseau
Take aways:
Opted out because mom was a "covid nurse" and was adamant that he do so
Very "talkative" not really a "Yes Sir, No Sir" guy. It was more like he was talking to friends, but very articulate and no hesitation. Never heard him say "you no" or other fillers many say
Played Basketball and Track also in High School. ran a 11.2 100 yard
Played WR and Safety in college, says he was a very good WR
Seemed to think Phillips is much more talented than Rouche (THIS IS bfine INTERPRETING AND COLD BE OFF) but was complementary of both
Says he "at least" 6'6.75"
Working with Chuck Smith and other coaches
Take aways:
Opted out because mom was a "covid nurse" and was adamant that he do so
Very "talkative" not really a "Yes Sir, No Sir" guy. It was more like he was talking to friends, but very articulate and no hesitation. Never heard him say "you no" or other fillers many say
Played Basketball and Track also in High School. ran a 11.2 100 yard
Played WR and Safety in college, says he was a very good WR
Seemed to think Phillips is much more talented than Rouche (THIS IS bfine INTERPRETING AND COLD BE OFF) but was complementary of both
Says he "at least" 6'6.75"
Working with Chuck Smith and other coaches