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Mixon Visiting Cincy
(04-03-2017, 11:23 AM)ochocincos Wrote: Why do you think I am ignoring this incident? Why do you assume I'm "so star struck" on his talent? Why do you think I excuse his actions? I have not stated any of that.

In fact, I don't ignore the incident, I am not star struck to the point I'm willing to sacrifice character for talent, and I don't excuse his actions.

It had to do with your comment about not condoning his actions, but then saying that you hate that people can say absolutely putrid things just because they can get away with it.

It seems implied that you think that had Molitor kept her mouth shut, then she wouldn't have been struck by Mixon.

If not, then there is no reason to get defensive, I disagree that there should be legal repercussions for words. 

No matter what Molitor said to Mixon, he has 0 right to put his hands on her.  Same goes for Molitor.

The difference when comparing Molitor striking is when you look at the total picture of the circumstances that lead to the incident.

Both have stated that Mixon approached Molitor prior to the cafe and asked her out.  Both have stated that she turned him down.  Both have stated that Mixon continued to follow Molitor from venue to venue. 

Now Mixon says that in the initial approach Molitor called him a slur.  That slur could be anything, and even Molitor may not have been aware that Mixon viewed that term as racial slur.

Molitor hasn't denied that she used any slur, so she probably did.

However, that doesn't give Mixon the right to continue to follow her.

When Molitor and her friends entered into the cafe, Mixon followed and went to her table.  The shit talking between the 2 escalated.  However if Molitor wanted to leave, how could she when Mixon is right at her only exit?  Not only that, but she may have had enough of Mixon at this point, which does actually give her the right to get physical.  All Mixon had to do was flee.  He had every opportunity to get away from his attacker and wouldn't have been attacked in the 1st place had he left her alone after the 1st encounter.  So no, he doesn't get to hit her for her words or even hit her back when she hits him.  

Hers looked like a last resort to get rid of him.  His was done out of spite and because he felt he could.

Okeana is in full support of this guy.  If you agree with him, then what was directed at you stands.  If you disagree with him, then don't take what I say to heart, it is directed more at Okeana and any other giving this guy a pass on this incident.

Now I am a forgiving person.  If I felt Mixon was sorry for what he did, then I would be willing to give him a chance.  However, I don't get the impression that he is sorry.  It may be the only time he ever strikes a woman, but he should still be shunned if he isn't repentant of his actions.

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