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Mental toughness & Will: Warren Sapp questions Miles Garrett as #1 overall.
Warren Sapp questioned Myles Garrett's will and mental toughness yesterday saying he "disappears in games".
Sapp went on to say that he didn't think Garrett was as good as Courtney Brown who was selected 1st overall in the 2000 draft and disappointed with the Browns. Sapp says Garrett's value is driven by his measurables, (Big & Fast) but Sapp found him to be a "Lazy kid that makes 4 plays a game." Some are wondering if Solomon Thomas would be a better choice as the #1 overall due to having a perceived high intelligence and better character to avoid the pitfalls that having Big money could bring. Which of the two may be more likely to be a partier that puts in as little work as possible? Which one will push himself the hardest when exhausted during a game?

One can agree or disagree with Sapp here but he brings up a Critical part of Scouting.
Measuring the Will of a player.
Measuring his Heart and desire to be Great.
How well does he play when he is Exhausted during a game ?

Hopefully the Bengals are digging deep on this issue when determining which Free Agents to bring in and who to Draft.
We have all bantered around many names for the 1st Bengal pick.
Whoever it ends up being needs to be a player with Will and mental toughness because playing while Exhausted is a major part of the game.

Former NFL Linebacker Kevin Greene described the reason for his Hall of Fame caliber success this way: "My Will,  will Overcome your Will".
(04-24-2017, 01:45 PM)depthchart Wrote: Warren Sapp questioned Myles Garrett's will and mental toughness yesterday saying he "disappears in games".
Sapp went on to say that he didn't think Garrett was as good as Courtney Brown who was selected 1st overall in the 2000 draft and disappointed with the Browns. Sapp says Garrett's value is driven by his measurables, (Big & Fast) but Sapp found him to be a "Lazy kid that makes 4 plays a game." Some are wondering if Solomon Thomas would be a better choice as the #1 overall due to having a perceived high intelligence and better character to avoid the pitfalls that having Big money could bring. Which of the two may be more likely to be a partier that puts in as little work as possible? Which one will push himself the hardest when exhausted during a game?

One can agree or disagree with Sapp here but he brings up a Critical part of Scouting.
Measuring the Will of a player.
Measuring his Heart and desire to be Great.
How well does he play when he is Exhausted during a game ?

Hopefully the Bengals are digging deep on this issue when determining which Free Agents to bring in and who to Draft.
We have all bantered around many names for the 1st Bengal pick.
Whoever it ends up being needs to be a player with Will and mental toughness because playing while Exhausted is a major part of the game.

Former NFL Linebacker Kevin Greene described the reason for his Hall of Fame caliber success this way: "My Will,  will Overcome your Will".
I for one just don't understand why Sapp just won't go away.  He beats on women, been a doper most of his life, hocked his superbowl ring or something to the effect, etc, etc, etc...  If I needed a pragmatic appraisal on anything I damn sure wouldn't put him in my inner circle - even if he was right.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-24-2017, 01:55 PM)BengalD Wrote: I for one just don't understand why Sapp just won't go away.  He beats on women, been a doper most of his life, hocked his superbowl ring or something to the effect, etc, etc, etc...  If I needed a pragmatic appraisal on anything I damn sure wouldn't put him in my inner circle - even if he was right.

I agree that Sapp isn't the best source.
It says he owes some $6.7 million to creditors and for back child support.
It is possible, however, that his D-line experience enables to see some things about Garrett that could be right.

My main theme of Will and mental toughness may apply to a player that I have been not so high on until more recently.
That player is Derek Barnett.
I didn't like his forty time and his being only 6 foot 3 inches tall and 259 pounds.
A comparison was made by someone on NFL Network to Terrell Suggs who ran a forty that was close to Barnett's time and is 6 foot 3 and 265 pounds. If he ends up being anything like Suggs he will be well worth the pick.
Barnett has a reputation of being high motor and relentless.
For this reason I am starting to warm up to the idea of the Bengals taking him a lot more than I had.
It is possible that Derek Barnett has more Will to play through exhaustion than Myles Garrett does.
(04-24-2017, 04:14 PM)depthchart Wrote: I agree that Sapp isn't the best source.
It says he owes some $6.7 million to creditors and for back child support.
It is possible, however, that his D-line experience enables to see some things about Garrett that could be right.

My main theme of Will and mental toughness may apply to a player that I have been not so high on until more recently.
That player is Derek Barnett.
I didn't like his forty time and his being only 6 foot 3 inches tall and 259 pounds.
A comparison was made by someone on NFL Network to Terrell Suggs who ran a forty that was close to Barnett's time and is 6 foot 3 and 265 pounds. If he ends up being anything like Suggs he will be well worth the pick.
Barnett has a reputation of being high motor and relentless.
For this reason I am starting to warm up to the idea of the Bengals taking him a lot more than I had.
It is possible that Derek Barnett has more Will to play through exhaustion than Myles Garrett does.

You make a good point about a high motor guy versus a more naturally gifted player that takes plays off.  I had the pleasure of playing on some teams with players who's natural talent level was vastly superior to mine (like by DNA proportions)  When some of those uber talented guys get a matchup that favors them, they roll hard all day.  Other times, if they get consistently stale mated, they just quit going hard.  Give me the high motor, high effort guy, as his effort will always remain consistent.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
“If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort.” – Stephen G. Weinbaum

Give me Determination and Work Ethic any day of the week.
As Mayock has said the whole time he was hurt all year. His tape from game 1 along with last year is what he is. I think people questioning "heart" and "will" is always comical. You don't really have a clue, and in Sapps case sounds like someone just trying to get in the news.
(04-24-2017, 04:48 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: You make a good point about a high motor guy versus a more naturally gifted player that takes plays off.  I had the pleasure of playing on some teams with players who's natural talent level was vastly superior to mine (like by DNA proportions)  When some of those uber talented guys get a matchup that favors them, they roll hard all day.  Other times, if they get consistently stale mated, they just quit going hard.  Give me the high motor, high effort guy, as his effort will always remain consistent.

That is right.

Some players play Great when the Scale is tipped their way.
If the Scale starts tipping against these same players they can mentally check out.

Meanwhile, a player like Kevin Greene was almost Thrives on having the Scale tipped against them.
They eat Nails trying to prove to everyone that they can make the Scale tip back the other way.
Sapp has also been critical of Suh, Richardson, and Strahan.
To say a person can assess will to play by subjective opinion is absolute garbage, and Sapp is just being contrarian of the consensus #1 pick so he can say "I told you so" if it doesn't work out. Clowney had questions of his motor and is an absolute terror on the line. Defensive linemen in general ALWAYS have questions about motor which is so pointless at this point that it is hardly even a valid complaint.
Look im not going to knock the guy's personal life. Fact is he hasn't put in any work this year and he comes in a couple days before draft and drops a bomb on myles garrett with absolutely no evidence. He just wants to be relevant and making the stupid statement and get him a couple of headlines.

[Image: giphy.gif]

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