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Targeting Rule
What does everyone think of this rule? Im siting here watching college football and ive seen a couple players ejected today due to this rule and to be honest I think its completely insane. Take this Clemson/Louisville game. Jackson was wrapped up down field after a run and a defender comes in to wrap him up. He lowers his head sure, but Jacksons head at that time was maybe a foot or more higher. Jackson lowers his head just as the defender thinks hes going to hit him with his shoulder and Bam! I just dont see how you can throw a guy out of a game for this. He was not targeting Jacksons head when he launched himself, if Jackson keeps his head up its just an average tackle.

We see this in the NFL and the refs are so inconsistent with this rule. You see teams like Pitt getting away with this but in our game the refs seemed like they couldnt wait to call this. They picked the flag up but this rule gives refs the ability to call someone for targeting weather its intentional or not. I just dont know what the heck defenders are supposed to do anymore. If the player being tackled lowers their head after the defender does then how is this the defenders fault.

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