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After almost 10 years in the buildup, it arrived last week. And I have to say it lived up to the hype for me, as I didnt know if they could pull it off with so many characters.
I'll give Disney some credit too, for they allowed the Russo brothers and others involved let the villain win while 'killing' around 14 of the heroes. Its rare in this day and age to see a movie on this scale where the bad guy wins. Its kind of like the Empire Strikes Back of the series.
Overall I give it a solid 9/10 rating, and is now my favorite Marvel movie to date. Unfortunately I was sick last week, so I didnt get to go opening night, which was ok I guess because the draft was on. Otherwise with the electricity in the theater when its packed, it could have been a 10/10 movie experience.
Now I still need to see Black Panther, but my new top 5 Marvel list is: Infinity, Avengers 1, Guardians of Galaxy 1, Winter Soldier, and Civil War.
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It was very well executed for having such a large ensemble. It mixed humor, action, and drama. Thanos is a villain you love to hate and the ending leaves you excited to see what's next, with Captain Marvel taking place in the 90's and playing a role and the remaining Avengers finding a solution next May.
One criticism I have seen that isn't related to the movie but with the choice in scheduling is having Antman and the Wasp released this summer. Given the ending of A:IW, how are we suppose to react to a movie where we presumably know that bad things are soon going to happen.
I trust Marvel to have it all worked out, maybe a post credit scene of Scott experiencing the "purge" which ties into him being seen filming Avengers 4.
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Seems unnecessary, but I'll put a spoiler alert at the top here.
Considering all of the buildup and all of the hype, there were a lot of ways that Infinity War could have fallen flat on it's face. I'm very glad it did not. Besides the ending, it was the first time in a lot of movies where I genuinely had absolutely NO idea what was going to happen. Anyone with even a superficial knowledge (like myself) of the comics knew that Thanos was going to win in the end, but the entire movie was one hell of a rollercoaster of action. Just for the sake of discussion, I'll throw my critiques in here.
1) The deaths were cheap. I get that Loki and Heimdall are most certainly permadeathed, but I have a feeling that Marvel is going to weasel out of the rest. Everyone knows that Marvel (and Sony) aren't going to kill of their biggest cash cows like Spider-Man and Black Panther.
I imagine that Avengers 4 will have some serious permadeaths, and I get that they want to close this chapter of the MCU with the original team, but unless they grow a pair and have Gamora as really dead, the deaths are all kinda "meh, they'll be back."
2) Thanos' powers are really inconsistent. Thanos gave Hulk the business without even using the power stone (unless it's a passive buff?) in the beginning. But then Spider-Man and Iron Man can stagger him on Titan? And when he has all of them but the mind stone Cap can somehow stand his ground, even for a few moments? That said, the stones' powers are really inconsistent. In Guardians of the Galaxy Ronan was gonna use the power stone to destroy a whole god damn planet, now its for shooting lasers?
Don't get me wrong, the movie was great. It could have been a whole heck of a lot worse.
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I thought the movie was average and full of inconsistencies some pointed out above in regards to powers and such. As for the "deaths", they aren't killing them off as there are movies already green lighted for production for about half those guys they "killed". They are going to pull a "time warp" thing and bring them all back which makes the ending all the more pointless. Strange kind of eluded to this by going into the future and seeing what would happen as his reasoning for giving him the stone.
Again, it was an okay movie but between the power inconsistencies and the whole "sell you half a movie with a cliffhanger" thing that has been popular for a while now I just don't think it was all it was hyped up to be.