(12-05-2023, 08:49 PM)Doin the Shuffle Wrote: Listen,
I know we should talk about Browning, but I'm afraid if we don't pay at least a little attention to Burrow, in the meantime, I'm afraid his worship might, you know, come back without his special magic.
Here me out: Joe Burrow, already the best human Bengal QB ever, is using this time to teach the coaches how to call plays, to see the position in the moment, to perceive the quarterback outside the quarterbacks own body, and to transcend into the spiritual football plane. The Zepellin.
Thus, he floats above the field, knowing, seeing, and predicting everything, and returns to us next season, only half mortal. Half deity.
I think my head might explode with how good he is becoming! I suspect his metamorphosis may have actually have completed, as he appears to be controlling Jake Browning with his mind! I've noticed some subtle head bobs and brow furrowing that corresponds to Browning's finest moments.
I'll say one thing: it is a godsend that he is still blessing us, now, because were it not for him, we'd basically be, well, definitely still not worthy.
I hope you all appreciate it. 
Burrow has probably never read your Post but as you imply, he likely
KNOWS that you wrote it.
Just show up at a Bengal game next year and see if by mid game he doesn't look right up at
YOU in the crowd with a look of disappointment
heading your way because you doubted his Powers.

A chill will run down your spine when he Locks eyes with you.