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Steven King movies on IFC
Last weekend, IFC ran Steven King horror movies for Fathers Day weekend. They showed the 2001 I think the year was of Salem's Lot, the 1997 mini-series of The Shining, the 1981 The Shining, the 1979 mini-series of Salem's Lot and the 1990 It.

Today, they ran Salem's Lot from 2001 with Rob Lowe playing Ben Meers and have to say its much better than the original except for the ending, it's scarier than the 1979 version but 20+ years will do that.

They ran the 1997 The Shining and followed the book but it just wasn't as good as the one from 1981. Jack Nicholson played that part so damn good. I don't think the 1981 version can be topped.

As for "It", it just isn't all that scary. I like the story and Tim Curry plays Pennywise the Clown very good, but the movie just doesn't do it for me. I'm watching "It" again right now. Part II just started if you're looking for something to watch.

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