07-03-2015, 02:24 PM
(06-30-2015, 03:09 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: As I recall, the name change to Americana was right about the time that Kings Island opened in the early seventies. They had a Brady Bunch episode there. Went to Kings Island several times after the Beast opened (1979?).
Hmm... would've been great seeing Greg toss his cookies on Jan while riding the Beast... LOL!
(07-03-2015, 10:24 AM)Beaker Wrote: I usd to come down every summer to visit my cousins and we would always spend one of the days at Kings Island. I remember watching that Brady Bunch episode and telling all my friends I go to that pplace and had ridden those rides. I also remember part of the episode was when the kids got a poster mixed up with the dad's blueprints and had to get them to him for a meeting. They ran relays across the park to get the blueprints to the front gate. I remember watching mesmerized as the Marcia and Jan sequence showed them running. It was the Baywatch of the seventies as their boobs bounced as they ran. Also, they kept showing the handoffs to the next relay teams, and since I knew the park and the rides, there were several of those where they had run in the opposite direction of the front of the park. I kept thinking WH, they don't even know where theyre going. But I didnt care, I was hoping Jan and Marcia would have to run again!
I grew up and still live 10 minutes from Kings Island and have held season passes for most of them. My son and my friends sons now terrorize the place instead of us.