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Fake News from Left-leaning Sites
Quote:It’s highly disappointing to me that the left has begun to emulate them, as if accuracy simply doesn’t matter as long as it advances their ideological agenda. I expect better from the people on my side of the fence.

I stopped expecting more. The so-called "left" to me is on the right side of the issues most of the times. I agree with them. But that doesn't mean their means aren't often just as misleading and distorted, their minds aren't just as stubborn. They often operate with the same kind of lies and deception and selective perception they are so appalled by when used by the right. I say often because honestly I think on the right does it happens even more blatantly, but that's a nuance.

And the saddest thing, a right leaning person won't change his mind, but he at least tends to listen, to respond and to stay polite and respectful. Try disagreeing with a sturdy left-winger though. They don't stay polite, they take away their respect for you and your words, you can see it in their faces and read it from their tone and words. I was called part of the problem quite a lot of times simply by trying to stay factual.

I can only imagine (and also to a small extent witnessed it by now) how bad that must be in a country where there effectively are just two sides to every political issue. You're either with me or you're with the other side. It's bad enough here, where we have more choices.

(05-05-2017, 01:22 AM)Bengalzona Wrote: Obviously, I tend to agree with the article. I've been making an effort not to re-post or share anything from these sites. Too much fake news. You can still be a Liberal, Progressive and/or a Democrat without going to these sites. In fact, it will probably make you a more informed and better one

Fully agreed. The sources many on the left lean on can't be called reliable many times. The right-wing fake news, however, are sure more wide-spread and a bit more divisive and extreme. I thank Putin for that. But, that doesn't make what you described any better. The end doesn't justify the means in either case, whatever the preferred end is.

Actually, there's something else. The girl on your picture sur is pretty, but there is a certain asymmetry in the nipple area. I feel that needs to be pointed out explicitely.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Fake News from Left-leaning Sites - hollodero - 05-05-2017, 02:15 AM

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