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(12-05-2017, 03:55 AM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: I know Marvin Lewis won't be fired tomorrow and as a matter of fact, he probably won't be fired until after the draft and then the new head coach will be hired from inside the organization.

At the end of the season, we all will be calling for Marvin Lewis to be fired.
Mike Brown will wait until after the Draft to fire Marvin Lewis.
Mike Brown will hire Guenther as the new Head Coach.
Guenther as Head Coach will win one game next year.
At the end of the season next year, we will be calling for his firing.
Mike Brown will say, "He still has three years on his contract and this was his first season".
Guenther will win five games the next season.
We will all call for him to be fired.
Mike Brown will say, "We made progress".
Guenther will win eight games in his third season.
We will all call for him to be fired.
Mike Brown will say, "He's getting better, 8-8 is great" and give him a three year extension.
Guenther will win six games the next year.
We all call for him to be fired.
Mike Brown will say, "Our best player was injured"

And so on and so forth.

Mike Brown finally dies of old age.
The city of Cincinnati celebrates him.
Katie takes over.
We all call for Guenther to be fired.
Katie says, "Dad believed in him and you all celebrated my dad...he stays".
The fans of this team simultaneously commit suicide while standing outside PBS.
The league say, FINALLY, we can move this team since there's no fans"
The Bengals move somewhere and win the next 10 Super Bowls.

Sounds right

Messages In This Thread
Now? - Nebuchadnezzar - 12-05-2017, 02:44 AM
RE: Now? - Bengal Dude - 12-05-2017, 02:46 AM
RE: Now? - Utts - 12-05-2017, 02:50 AM
RE: Now? - reuben.ahmed - 12-05-2017, 02:49 AM
RE: Now? - The Caped Crusader - 12-05-2017, 03:00 AM
RE: Now? - Pat5775 - 12-05-2017, 03:04 AM
RE: Now? - Hammerstripes - 12-05-2017, 03:21 AM
RE: Now? - JB Bengal - 12-05-2017, 03:41 AM
RE: Now? - Hammerstripes - 12-05-2017, 04:32 AM
RE: Now? - Lionel Hutz - 12-05-2017, 03:26 AM
RE: Now? - Rattler - 12-05-2017, 03:43 AM
Now? - Mickeypoo - 12-05-2017, 03:45 AM
RE: Now? - Nebuchadnezzar - 12-05-2017, 03:55 AM
RE: Now? - bengalsturntup5532 - 12-05-2017, 04:31 AM
RE: Now? - Utts - 12-05-2017, 04:00 AM
RE: Now? - yellowxdiscipline - 12-05-2017, 05:58 AM
RE: Now? - Go Cards - 12-05-2017, 06:04 AM
RE: Now? - Nati#1 - 12-05-2017, 08:16 AM
RE: Now? - Nati#1 - 12-05-2017, 08:17 AM
RE: Now? - HarleyDog - 12-05-2017, 08:30 AM
RE: Now? - Big Boss - 12-05-2017, 09:22 AM
RE: Now? - CageTheBengal - 12-05-2017, 09:28 AM
RE: Now? - McC - 12-05-2017, 09:32 AM
RE: Now? - Gamma Ray Tan - 12-05-2017, 09:33 AM

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