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Pollack: "you’ve still gotta kick the guy’s ass"
(05-23-2018, 12:29 PM)Bengalholic Wrote: Cool read about Frank Pollack and the intensity / aggression he wants from his line:

“Last time I checked, in football you’ve still gotta kick the guy’s ass across from you. Nothin’s changed. You might be dissecting and looking at it as a chess match with the Xs and Os, but someone taught me a long time ago it’s the Johnnies and Joes, not the Xs and Os. You’ve got to be in position to play fast, be physical and dominate the opponent, the guy across from you.” 

“Broken down into those individual one on ones, football has not changed. I don’t care what we do to the rules, what we look to change, at the end of the day, it’s a physical, violent game,” Pollack said. "I’ve gotta defeat the guy across from me, so I take that approach. You’ve got to be mentally tough to do that. I could get a lot of drunk frat guys out here to just start fist fights, but that’s not football. That’s mentally weak, so I try everything I can to help develop that.” 

I doubt Paul Alexander thought this way.

Paul seems to have thought that he could take any Johnny or Joe and teach him his X's and O's once that Johnny or Joe proved he could put Ketchup on his Hamburger the smart way. Not hearing anything about 400,000 plus combinations of defenders or how to outsmart the defender by back pedaling.

I hope this Pollack mentality spills over into the types of players we Draft going forward and impacts how soon we try to replace a lineman that Pollack may see as not being able to dominate consistently.

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RE: Pollack: "you’ve still gotta kick the guy’s ass" - depthchart - 05-23-2018, 12:55 PM

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