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Well, Schefter was wrong before, sure hope he is again!
(12-24-2018, 07:36 PM)samhain Wrote: If Mike allows this to happen, he's not just giving his fanbase (what remains of it, anyway) a middle finger. He's curb stomping it, tying it up with rope and duct tape, throwing it in a burlap sack, and tossing it in the river with a cinder block tied around it's ankles. There will be zero casual fans left in this city. There will be more season ticket holders throwing in the towel. Seeing the empty seats in PBS during the 2019 season will be the embarrassment of all embarrassments for this franchise, and that's saying something given the history.

Even the diehards will get tired of our yearly two Pittsburgh ass-kickings coupled with having to watch Baker Mayfield wiping his ass with our garbage staff's blank stares as he kicks our tails up and down the field on a regular basis.

It's one thing to get attached to a team and support it through decades of embarrassment and bad times. There's something to be said for sticking to the hand your dealt by birth and loyalty as opposed to hopping on a bandwagon elsewhere. When, however, the owner of said franchise basically tells you he not only doesn't care about expanding his fanbase, but that the current fans can piss off, too, then maybe it's time to let that franchise die a natural death or plague another god-forsaken city.

Spot on. Pretty much exactly where I’m at. I’ve never been more complacent about this team. I’ve reached the point of simply not caring what happens anymore. We all know Mike Brown won’t let Marv (or Hue) go, so why invest my time and energy into a franchise that is ran by one of the biggest nitwits on the planet? The franchise is obviously in peril and he doesn’t give a damn.

I’ve been under the impression that Mike had a mental illness since I was a young kid. Now, I think that’s all but confirmed Whatever how anybody with a functioning brain can be so delusional is mind blowing. I’m honestly shocked the NFL hasn’t forced him to step away from day-to-day management given his obviously flawed mental state Whatever

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RE: Well, Schefter was wrong before, sure hope he is again! - Pat5775 - 12-27-2018, 11:31 AM

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