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Star Trek Discovery
Surprised that there isn't a thread on this new show ( Netflix on Europe ).

It clearly hooked me up very quickly and the 9 episodes are really good.

I like how they made the klingons as hostiles as they really are, that they don't speak english because they're aliens and they don't want to meet us. The first T'Kuvma's speech is just awesome and that very line had me to get philiosophical.

"To lock arms against those whose fatal greeting is...'We come in peace'"
You can only be bothered by your own thoughts. You can only be p*ssed about your own life.

I have some mixed feelings about it, but overall I like it.

I like the main characters, particularly Michael.

I like the Klingon storyline and the things you mentioned. I don't like the redesigned Klingon look. I can't get used to that. For me, a Klingon should always look like Worf. That said, future storylines are supposed to address the change in Klingon appearances in different Trek shows (fingers crossed).

I generally like the high science storyline. But I have a little trouble with all of the "super science" stuff occurring before the original Star Trek show in the timeline.

But my biggest problem is that this is an adult-oriented Star Trek. Things like when the Klingon killed the guy by stomping on his head or when they dropped the "f" word a few weeks ago bother me because I've always felt Star Trek should be kid-friendly. I watched it when I was a boy. My son is very interested in it, but I can't let him watch this show with that sort of stuff going on.

So, overall, I like it. But I sort of have to watch it as something "other than Star Trek" at this point.
[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]
This looks so good! I've watched about 1.5 of TOS and most of TNG. Tried to get into Voyager and DSN but didn't like them all that much. This looks really good though.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-21-2017, 03:28 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: I have some mixed feelings about it, but overall I like it.

I like the main characters, particularly Michael.

I like the Klingon storyline and the things you mentioned. I don't like the redesigned Klingon look. I can't get used to that. For me, a Klingon should always look like Worf. That said, future storylines are supposed to address the change in Klingon appearances in different Trek shows (fingers crossed).

I generally like the high science storyline. But I have a little trouble with all of the "super science" stuff occurring before the original Star Trek show in the timeline.

But my biggest problem is that this is an adult-oriented Star Trek. Things like when the Klingon killed the guy by stomping on his head or when they dropped the "f" word a few weeks ago bother me because I've always felt Star Trek should be kid-friendly. I watched it when I was a boy. My son is very interested in it, but I can't let him watch this show with that sort of stuff going on.

So, overall, I like it. But I sort of have to watch it as something "other than Star Trek" at this point.

It sounds like a Star Trek with some of BSG crew Big Grin 

BTW, I find the new klingons way more threatening than Worf ^^ They look alien. Definitely.

Watch it with your son and skip the bad moments like go search a drink for daddy and forward Big Grin
You can only be bothered by your own thoughts. You can only be p*ssed about your own life.

Good timing for me Arturo. I just watched the first 9 for this series Sunday and yesterday at a friend's house.

I've seen all the live action Trek stuff at least once except Deep Space 9. My views may be tainted by the fact I am one of the rare people who liked Enterprise the most.

(11-21-2017, 03:28 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: I don't like the redesigned Klingon look. I can't get used to that. For me, a Klingon should always look like Worf. That said, future storylines are supposed to address the change in Klingon appearances in different Trek shows (fingers crossed).

I generally like the high science storyline. But I have a little trouble with all of the "super science" stuff occurring before the original Star Trek show in the timeline.

The original series (TOS - Kirk's Enterprise) as the base line.  The Next Generation starts about 100 years after Kirk with Voyager and Deep Space 9 happening proportionally to the show release dates to TNG developments (meaning if VOY started 5 or 6 years into the TNG run then those things were happening 5 or 6 years after the launch of Picard's Enterprise D).

Enterprise was about 100 years before TOS.

If you take ENT into account, Klingons are supposed to look like humans at this time.  One of the first characters seen in ENT was a Klingon who was the first contact between humans and Klingons and he looked like the Worf style.  In, I think, season 4 there is an explanation to why Klingons would look like humans 100 years later for Kirk's Enterprise.

Other continuity errors - The speed of these ships is faster than anything else ever seen on the show except the Borg conduits and perhaps slipstream in Voyager.  Replicators and holodecks were clearly shown as technology that was new to the Federation in TNG (but alien species did have these in ENT) however both have been shown in this new series already.

Pike is already one of the most decorated captains in this series.  To my understanding most of his awards come just a short while before Kirk takes over the Enterprise due to the war that is occurring during the new show  (I may be a bit of a Trek geek but not enough to know this for sure).  Keep in mind, Pike was supposed to be on the Enterprise for a few years before Kirk takes over in the original timeline instead of Kirk assuming command shortly after launch in the altered timeline.

Some or all of this could be explained if it was in the approximately 15 to 20 years in an altered timeline as a result of the Romulan and Spock traveling back in time for the 2009 movie but I heard the creators of the show have said it is in the original timeline.  Not too late for them to change their minds which could resolve some of this.

Quote:But my biggest problem is that this is an adult-oriented Star Trek. Things like when the Klingon killed the guy by stomping on his head or when they dropped the "f" word a few weeks ago bother me because I've always felt Star Trek should be kid-friendly. I watched it when I was a boy. My son is very interested in it, but I can't let him watch this show with that sort of stuff going on.

Don't forget the brief look of Klingon breast in a love making scene.

All that said, I agree the show is pretty good so far.
(11-21-2017, 08:28 PM)Penn Wrote: Good timing for me Arturo.  I just watched the first 9 for this series Sunday and yesterday at a friend's house.

I've seen all the live action Trek stuff at least once except Deep Space 9.  My views may be tainted by the fact I am one of the rare people who liked Enterprise the most.

The original series (TOS - Kirk's Enterprise) as the base line.  The Next Generation starts about 100 years after Kirk with Voyager and Deep Space 9 happening proportionally to the show release dates to TNG developments (meaning if VOY started 5 or 6 years into the TNG run then those things were happening 5 or 6 years after the launch of Picard's Enterprise D).

Enterprise was about 100 years before TOS.

If you take ENT into account, Klingons are supposed to look like humans at this time.  One of the first characters seen in ENT was a Klingon who was the first contact between humans and Klingons and he looked like the Worf style.  In, I think, season 4 there is an explanation to why Klingons would look like humans 100 years later for Kirk's Enterprise.

Other continuity errors - The speed of these ships is faster than anything else ever seen on the show except the Borg conduits and perhaps slipstream in Voyager.  Replicators and holodecks were clearly shown as technology that was new to the Federation in TNG (but alien species did have these in ENT) however both have been shown in this new series already.

Pike is already one of the most decorated captains in this series.  To my understanding most of his awards come just a short while before Kirk takes over the Enterprise due to the war that is occurring during the new show  (I may be a bit of a Trek geek but not enough to know this for sure).  Keep in mind, Pike was supposed to be on the Enterprise for a few years before Kirk takes over in the original timeline instead of Kirk assuming command shortly after launch in the altered timeline.

Some or all of this could be explained if it was in the approximately 15 to 20 years in an altered timeline as a result of the Romulan and Spock traveling back in time for the 2009 movie but I heard the creators of the show have said it is in the original timeline.  Not too late for them to change their minds which could resolve some of this.

Don't forget the brief look of Klingon breast in a love making scene.

All that said, I agree the show is pretty good so far.

Good post.

I have also seen all of the episodes in all of the series (I'm a major geek that way). It sounds like you see many of the same things I see.

I've been told that this series occurs in between ENT and OST in the timeline. But some of the technology stuff seems more advanced than VOY.

(ENT = Enterprise series, OST = original Star Trek series, and VOY = Voyager series, for non- or casual Trekies).
[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]
(11-21-2017, 09:11 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: I have also seen all of the episodes in all of the series (I'm a major geek that way). It sounds like you see many of the same things I see.

I even left out a few more minor things I noticed.  I'm sure you saw a few.

I didn't even get into the TV shows until about 5 years ago.  I realized my geekness with the show when a group of people I was with brought up the debate of "Kirk or Picard" and my response was "Archer". Even though I only watched a few DS9 episodes if you just go for captain moment instead of overall character I'd give that to Sisko punching Q.
Huge Star Trek fan. I've seen every episode of every series as well.

Big fan of this show so far. One of my new favorite series on television (Or streaming, whatever).

Seems like the show is messing with canon, as mentioned previously. That being said, the show is also, in my opinion, using two things to 'technically' get away with it. One of those being the fact that the Discovery is CLEARLY Section 31. This would explain the technology, and numerous advances that they SHOULDN'T HAVE at this point in time. It would also explain the jumps, them saving people and not being around to reap the rewards.

I also believe it involves heavily in the mirror universe. This is another huge speculation, and I believe we will see that, at some point, in this season.

[Image: tumblr_nmz43uky8c1rtim7ko1_500.gif]

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As a Star Trek Fan I am loving Orville.

I wont watch this till its either on my Netflix or is out from behind the cbs paywall. I don't like the concept of the show. I'm sure it has good graphics but star trek should be moving forward and these series keep going backwards. Didn't like enterprise either for this same reason it had some good episodes (were they find the frozen borg from the movie) but all the time travel was just crap. introducing new races that aren't in the "real" trek verse or current timeline IE TNG means they have to be wiped out.

And from what I heard they have a alien being that runs the ship.. Sounds stolen straight from Farscape...
Well, I took a look at The Orville and I was surprised people can compare these two.

Not sure you will see a pilot drinking beer or someone drawing .... on ships in Discovery.

BTW, having the first shot with the Statue of Liberty in NYC in 2400 is not very Science Fiction to me.
You can only be bothered by your own thoughts. You can only be p*ssed about your own life.

(11-22-2017, 01:05 PM)XenoMorph Wrote: As a Star Trek Fan I am loving Orville.  

I wont watch this till its either on my Netflix or is out from behind the cbs paywall.  

Agree 100%.  Have watched every Trek series except DS9 (maybe I'll get around to that one someday).  But, when they announced the show as going to be on CBS' pay service, they lost this Trek fan.  Gene must be spinning in his grave at this point.  

I'm enjoying The Orville.  At first it appeared it was going to be a spoof, but it's really Star Trek with a sense of humor.  I mean real humor, not Data's "jokes" making you wince.  If you're a Trek fan, and don't want to pay CBS their ransom, check it out.  

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