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(03-12-2018, 09:56 AM)CKwi88 Wrote: There are certainly asshole cops out there, just like any profession. I remember getting a ticket for going 35 in a 30 on a sunny July afternoon.
That said, speeding up and moving left was about the stupidest thing you can do in that situation. Speeding up and moving left is reserved for merging and overtaking. Best way to deal with a tailgater is to move right and let up off the gas to get them out of the way faster. Once they're by, resume normal driving.
It's suppose it's possible this cop was just out to get someone, but you essentially gave him or her the definition of erratic driving. Not sure about your state, but in many states moving to the left without passing is a tickets left offense itself.
Next time just move right and let up off the gas a bit.
I didn't speed up in move left in the first maneuver, though. It started in the middle lane with this guy right on my ass, so I went into the left lane after a bit. He immediately followed and was still on my ass, so i went back to the middle lane. He immediately went back right behind me, so I immediately went back to the left lane - and he put his lights on! To me he was baiting the whole time, and I'd venture to say I didn't hit 80 (he said I was going 80 for a mile, lol!) - I've had my FIT for 8 years now, it takes a long time to accelerate at those speeds. I was certainly going 75, which is over the speed limit, but he played a game there. I'll pull into the right lane next time, and if I see him still follow, I don't know, I'd probably still accelerate. Uncomfortable as hell lol. I think if he said I was driving erratically, I would have had an easier opening to tell him why. The speeding thing was just a little bit more for me to talk out of (because I'm sure i was speeding by any definition after that).
I've been in a lot of f'd up hilaroius road rage scenarios. I've had people crumple up mcdonalds coffee cups and throw them at my car (on the Highway), hitting my windshield in a convertible. People clenching their first and punching the palm of their hand while looking at me. People pulling into the right lane and waving me over - probably to beat my ass (who in their right mind is going to stop?). I've had my fair shade of speeding incidents in the past that I can admit to, but this one seemed different lol. There have been times I don't even know what I did wrong! The other times I probably 'started it" by flicking my bright lights at them after they did something dangerous, in my old age that has all stopped lol.
Yeah, I've had the book thrown at me before. The cop cited me for running a stop sign, erratic swerving, speeding, driving without a seat belt. I ran the stop sign (in the neighborhood, right turn) at 0.5 mph when I saw nobody there (seriously, who actually makes a FULL stop at those? lol), driving left to right to dodge the cars parked on both sides of the street in the neighborhood (I think that's illegal in itself!), going 25 in a 25 (fast for a neighborhood but it was definitely at the limit), and I took my belt off to get my insurance card out (dumbest thing ever, but these are the things you do when you don't have much experience with cops). I'm totally uncomfortable driving without a seat belt. It was hilaroius because I had to go to downtown court for those offenses, and the judge said the fine carries $500 or 30 days in jail. There were others in the courtroom that were driving with suspended licenses AND babies in the front seat/etc., and I was going to go to jail for running a stop sign in a neighborhood at 0.5mph with nobody else around, first thought in my head. I don't know how I held my laugh. I did tell the cop woh pulled me over that I barely was moving through that stop, he said your car has to shake when it stops - lol. He's right for sure, but he could ticket a whole lot of people. Offensive holding.
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(03-12-2018, 04:16 PM)michaelsean Wrote: I had one doing that leaving my brother-in-laws wedding reception. I turned out and about 100 out he pulled right up on me, and I instinctively sped up, then he pulled me over. It was obvious. The first thing he asked, was how much I had to drink. I said "nothing". He said when was the last time you had a drink. I said 1990. I have no idea how many people escaped while he had me pulled over. He didn't give me a ticket btw.
My first ticket was 105 in a 65, I was actually going 120 on the highway. I remember saying out loud "I need to be pulled over". There was some other wreckless stuff happening too, other cars trying to race me (back in my dumb days, I had several cars trying to race me with their woman in their passenger seat, I let those people win, like are you ***** serious? you're going to risk her life over this stupid...shit, lol).
When i saw the cop, I let my foot off the accelerator, thinking if I braked, he'd definitely notice that. So I coasted past him at 105, LOL! I think I was 25 at the time.
Cop: "Do you know how fast you were going?"
Me: "yes"
Cop: "Any reason you were going that fast?"
Me: "no"
Cop: "OK here's your ticket"
lol. I always remember him getting me at 105 when I was actually going 120.
My very first pullover was in college, I was showing my friend how to drive (ironically), it was 11PM. I showed him how to turn the headlights on and off. We went off onto the main road. I complained about not being able to see very well. The cop pulled me over and said "can you turn your lights on?" (woops, lol). I was nervous as hell. I didn't have my registration, he asked for it. He said "what year is it?". I said 1998 (the year it was, not the car's year). He laughed. He didn't clarify, it was obvious I was in a very old Honda Civic at the time.
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(03-12-2018, 08:14 AM)grampahol Wrote: When people get behind me in traffic day or night and I think it's because they want me to speed up I almost always take my foot off the gas and slow down ..I'm under zero obligation to ensure they get to where they're going on time even if they're about to give birth in the drivers seat.
The "JEEEZ! I thought you were an ax murderer!" excuse never works..
All that said you would probably hate getting behind me in traffic. I'm usually obnoxiously slow in traffic AND I LOVE driving 10 miles with the turn signal on.. lol
So back in those younger years, I got hit with 5 or 6 tickets in the same year in Cleveland (a part many people consider racist, I guess it's not an excuse, but if you consider how many little things people do every day that could be ticketed, it can make sense). Example, did you make a complete stop at that stop sign? lol. It's lke offensive holding, it could be called every down.
Anyway, I had racked up 1 point away from being suspended on my license. I remember going 25 mph on a 25mph road, and people were behind me honking. They could easily go around me/pass and get ahead, it made no sense. To actually drive the speed limit was scary and tough! The next pull over could be license, poof. lol
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"I'm sorry officer, I thought I saw a camel in the road and hit the breaks. Is your nose and head ok from hitting the steering wheel? You do have insurance right? I always thought police officers were taught how to drive and to not follow too close. At least three seconds between cars is what I was taught and that's what I've taught my children. I sure hope you're ok. Shouldn't you call an ambulance? I don't have a cell phone, maybe the radio?"
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(03-14-2018, 09:12 AM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: BREAK CHECK!
"I'm sorry officer, I thought I saw a camel in the road and hit the breaks. Is your nose and head ok from hitting the steering wheel? You do have insurance right? I always thought police officers were taught how to drive and to not follow too close. At least three seconds between cars is what I was taught and that's what I've taught my children. I sure hope you're ok. Shouldn't you call an ambulance? I don't have a cell phone, maybe the radio?"
Lol. I always thought a rear end is the responsibility of the car in the back, but I wonder if the cop would have said that was a reckless brake lol.
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(03-15-2018, 07:29 AM)reuben.ahmed Wrote: Lol. I always thought a rear end is the responsibility of the car in the back, but I wonder if the cop would have said that was a reckless brake lol.
you would have gone to jail
If a cop is tailgating you He is running your plates.
First step get over 1 lane to the right. if he follows just do the speed limit till he either pulls you over (as its possible at this point you have already gotten his attention) or moves on.
Normally when a cop flys up on me.. Ill get over if theres no room ill speed up a little bit to get over. and usually the cop will fly by. but if they are following you closely after you move 1 lane don't keep moving lanes.
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yeah the difference is there was no way to tell this guy was a cop at night. during the day I'm pretty sure i wouldn't have gotten a ticket lol, I wouldn't be trying to shake the guy.