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What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions
Any one played or looked at Earthfall yet? Its supposed to be a lot like Left for Dead except with aliens instead of zombies...
4 person coop
5 level campaigns (I think it launches with 2)

(07-24-2018, 11:35 AM)XenoMorph Wrote: Have not heard any news on the next batch yet..

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Started Hellblade..

Interesting Game seems to be mostly an atmospheric walking sim with some puzzles and some minor combat (so far at least)

Apparently if you die to many times your journey is over and must start over from the beginning. So far pretty solid little game it looks great and seems it will at least be interesting...
finished Saints Row Gat out of Hell... Almost done with Burnout Paradise.

Working on AC Origins again... (great RPG ) if you haven't tried it I recommend even if not a fan of the older Assassin games this doesn't play the same in many aspects while most of the tools are still available stealth is generally completely optional. (although extremely useful)
Ac Origins almost done.. Finally in the final DLC... And theres tons to do.

But overall a fun game that eliminates some of the more frustrating aspects of the series in previous games... about 80 hours worth or more if you do everything...
AC Origins is done and gone....

Working on Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice.. Its a pretty interesting little game its only maybe 10-15 hours long mostly walking and puzzles with some decent combat mixed in. and lots of interesting visuals and lore. Its a fun game to play though. (not sure the replay value)

Still cleaning up gears 4... Inconcievable campaigns are done.

Thinking of picking up Agents of Mayhem
Grinding for Octopath post game dungeon.

Still play Mario Tennis now and then, but matchmaking suuuucks.

They released Paladins as F2P on Switch. Takes a while to unlock new champions, but can't really complain about F2P.

Bought Hollow Knight on sale with reward points I've saved up. I've loved just about every Metroidvania game I've played so the base game plus all expansions for less than 10 bucks (free, considering it was reward points) seemed worth it.

Overcooked 2 as well with the wife.
Been playing Franchise mode on Madden 19.
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If you like Metroidvania games, go get Hollow Knight while on sale for $9.90. pretty sure it's a global sale whether it's PC or Console.
got talked into battlefield 1 over Agents of mayhem... So I got that now.. (good bye space I just opened..)

found a spot to shrink games if your xbox is not a 1x and its downloading 4k content it cant use... under storage.
Halo the Master chief collection

Just released a 73 gig update that fixes most the issues with the game...

Also now allows you to install/uninstall pieces of the game
So like
Halo 1 Campaign
Halo 2 Campaign
Halo 3 Campaign
Halo 4 Campaign

and the multiplayer sides etc...
(08-28-2018, 11:14 AM)XenoMorph Wrote: Halo the Master chief collection

Just released a 73 gig update that fixes most the issues with the game...

Also now allows you to install/uninstall pieces of the game
So like
Halo 1 Campaign  
Halo 2 Campaign  
Halo 3 Campaign  
Halo 4 Campaign  

and the multiplayer sides etc...

Totally off topic, but how is your wife doing?
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(08-28-2018, 11:21 AM)Tiger Teeth Wrote: Totally off topic, but how is your wife doing?

she is doing great.. although bored I think. lol   Shes off 24/7 restriction  So her dad doesn't have to babysit all the time anymore

And they have been reducing her meds..

Hospital wants her to come back and talk to some of the other people going thru similar issues and help them stay upbeat.

Shes a strong woman she never despaired.  ive probly had a harder time with it than she has.
Started Watchdogs... Interesting sandbox game where you hack everything. and has online invasions etc...
I've been playing Guild Wars 2 again.  It's a pretty good MMO and has gotten better over the years.  I think it doesn't get a lot of press that it deserves. It's buy to play with no subscription so it is easy to play on an off.  They released an expansion last year that has some pretty cool mounts that have unique abilities.  For example there is a raptor mount that can jump long distances, a springer mount that jump really high so great for climbing, a mount that can glide across water, a mount that can fly for a limited time, and a mount that has short teleports. All of which are acquired via game play. It is a rather interesting take on the mount system and works really well as you will find yourself using different mounts for different situations.  

The expansion before that they added a mechanic that allows players to glide.  So you can jump off a high spot and glide around the map.  It isn't the same as flying because you slowly lose altitude as you glide.  Aside from the gliding mechanic I wasn't really a fan of that expansion because the maps they added are really difficult to navigate.  They are multi layered and just hard to get around with many trash mobs that agro the player constantly.  They seemed to have learned from that as the 2nd expansion was much more friendly to explore and they reduced the mob density.

They also release living story episodes about every 3 months in between expansions that are basically DLCs but are free as long as you log in at least one time during the episode and before the next one is released so that's pretty cool.  Many of those episodes include new maps as well.

They have a cash shop but there isn't really anything in there that is pay to win.  It is mostly cosmetic items and a few utility items that come in handy.  They sell additional account wide personal bank space in the cash shop which is probably the big thing if you are going to play a lot as you only start out with 30 bank slots. But there is also a separate no cost "bank" for crafting materials that allow for 250 of each material to be stored and can also be expanded via the cash shop if you want. The good thing is you can convert gold you earn in game into the cash shop currency so if you don't mind farming gold or playing the trading post (buy low sell high) to make gold you can buy things in the cash store without spending real world money.

For cosmetics GW2 has a cool wardrobe system that allows you to change the appearance of armor and weapons you have unlocked.  Basically if you get a weapon or armor piece and equip it, salvage it for materials, or even destroy it the skin is added to your wardrobe.  So you can then change the appearance of a weapon or armor to any of the skins you have unlocked without losing whatever stats you have on the item. To do so you have to have transmutation charges.  These can be bought in the cash shop but are really easy to earn in game.  I've never bought one and change my skins often. There is also a very robust dye system for armor and no cost to change dyes as often as you want. Dyes can be earned in game, crafted or bought on the trading post.

As far as MMOs go it is fairly casual friendly which is something I like since I don't have a lot of time to play games.  There is no PvP in the open world so no worry about getting ganked by some high level character as you explore.  There is no competing for resource nodes, everyone can harvest them and no competing for loot drops.  Everyone that tags a mob before it dies gets credit for the kill and gets loot. Also no real gear grind as they don't keep introducing higher levels of gear like some MMOs.  So once you get the highest level gear, called ascended, there won't be yet another higher level introduced later to grind to get best in stats.  Ascended gear can be crafted and bought from some NPCs for various in game currency so there is also no hoping for that super rare RNG drop.  

There is a 5v5 PvP arena mode and world verses world mode both separated from the PvE maps.  5v5 PvP is a capture point mode. WvW is basically a bunch of large maps where 3 servers compete against each other to capture territory. So in WvW there can be large scale battles involving many players in a zerg or if you want you can roam around alone or in small groups to pick off players if that is your thing.

They added raids a few years ago but I don't have time for that.  So I can't comment on those but the feedback has been fairly positive.  For quicker group content they have several instanced dungeons and a game mode called fractals.  Fractals scale in difficulty and the rewards increase based on the scale you select but still only take an hour at most, often much less if you and your team know what to do.

Anyway if you have never heard of it or played it and like MMOs I'd suggest checking it out.  There is a free to play option so you can try it before you buy it.  As far as the free to play option it isn't like a lot of game trials.  There is no limit on how long you can play, no level cap and all the core game maps, dungeons, fractals, PvP and WvW are available for free to play accounts.  Most of the free to play restrictions are to keep spammers, real world money traders and bots from taking advantage of free to play accounts. For example there are restrictions on what you can buy and sell on the trading post, you can't mail items or gold to other players, and some chat restrictions.

Sorry for the long post and I didn't include details of a lot of other things to keep this post from being a short novel.  I just think GW2 is a really good game if you are a fan of MMOs and worth checking out. If you want to try it, set up a free account and maybe we can arrange a time to meet up in game so I can show you around a bit.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Rock On
Started playing Forza horizon 2 on the xbox 1 its a lot of fun... can customize cars and your difficulty.

Lots and lots to do. but the open world setting is great if you just wanna cruise around as well..

Love they gave this out for free I did grab the dlc (which is being delisted on 9/30) so if you want it grab it soon.

I would grab FH4 but still have 3 to play...

Basically finished Wolfenstien TNO
Basically finished Child of light
Horzion 2 is over 50%

waiting on new gears 4 achievements before I return to close out that game... (currently only have 3(of 149) achievements left 5,000 kills, sniper master, Do you even Lift)
Someone had given me a GameStop gift card, so a few weeks back I'm walking around the mall and decide to stop in to see what they have. On impulse, I bought a train simulator game. I get it home and start playing and soon discover it's the damn most boring game I've encountered in my life. I start reading reviews online and that's the census as well. Lesson learned.
I'm still playing World of Warcraft. The new Expansion is about 4 weeks old and my Main just got Honorbound Rep to Exalted which unlocks a new Race. I'll start that character tomorrow...I'm thinking Hunter or Shaman, I don't know yet. The rest of the Reps are all at Revered and I'll slowly work those to Exalted.

I'm also playing Forza Horizon 3 and waiting for 4 to come out.

I'm also playing Red Dead Redemption and Fable...I love those older games.
Song of Solomon 2:15
Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.
(09-13-2018, 06:57 PM)Awful Llama Wrote: Someone had given me a GameStop gift card, so a few weeks back I'm walking around the mall and decide to stop in to see what they have.  On impulse, I bought a train simulator game.  I get it home and start playing and soon discover it's the damn most boring game I've encountered in my life.  I start reading reviews online and that's the census as well.  Lesson learned.

well outside of farm simulator...

Simulating a train on a track has got to be close to boring champion....

try Trailer park tycoon next   lol.
(09-18-2018, 12:20 PM)XenoMorph Wrote: well outside of farm simulator...

Simulating a train on a track has got to be close to boring champion....

try Trailer park tycoon next   lol.

Wasn't it Railroad Tycoon that was out years ago, Sid Meiers game? I played that on pc in early 2000s and had fun with it. But I also liked those kind of games liek Rollar Coaster Tycoon and other sim type games.
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

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