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Why Didn't We See More Rollouts?!
The quick answer is simply that Zac isn't very good at coaching. I love how he, along with Burrow, has helped change the culture into one that expects to win. The players seem to like and respect him. But his game plans and play calling leave much to be desired. I haven't seen a lot to suggest much other than he just kinda sucks at game planning and play calling.

Hell, I'm a 59 y.o. math teacher who don't know an X from a O in diagramming football plays. But I was watching Joe get sacked over and over in the second half and was yelling, "Roll him out. Move the GD pocket." Never happened.  I like Zac's work off the field, but his work during games just sucks. He's not good at all.

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RE: Why Didn't We See More Rollouts?! - Science Friction - 02-15-2022, 06:49 PM

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