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Would You Blow Reds Up At Trade Deadline in July ???
(05-26-2022, 07:02 AM)Forever Spinning Vinyl Wrote: I would start right now with the guys that they just picked up and cost them almost nothing. You won't get elite talent for any of them but these guys are all proven major leaguers and can help teams.
Tommy Pham
Brandon Drury
Colin Moran
Matt Reynolds

Also Tyler Naquin, Kyle Farmer, Tyler Mahle and Luis Castillo, although I expect those last two to be at the deadline.

I'd only expect Moustakas to be a throw-in for budget purposes.

You can build something with India, Stephenson, Senzel and Barrero. If they could keep Castillo along with Greene and Lodolo, they could actually buy a few players to complete a roster once they finally get out of the Votto contract.

See, to me that is backwards.  You  are talking about dumping players that are playing well, but cost the Reds little salary.  

If you aren't dumping big contracts, all moves are pointless.   This is why I mention Votto at the top and add The Moose.  

I also mentioned the Reds are not in a position to trade any pitching. They can barely put together a 5 man pitching staff as it is.  They just don't have enough pitching right now to trade pitching.  Lodolo may not pitch again for a while.  So they need Castillo and Mahle for now. 

I can't see trading Farmer because he is not a major salary and he can play every position in the infield and outfield and he can catch.  I would not be thinking trading Naquin.  I would keep the young players who could be a part of the Reds future.  I would get the most out of Pham, Drury, Moran, Reynolds.   No way I would trade Naquin or Drury.  The goal is not to help the Yankees or some other team win. 

The goal is to dump payroll, and on that you have to look to VOTTO and THE MOOSE.   Reds owners should be spending every day trying to move these 2 players to other teams.  They are not the future, and The Reds really need to dump their payroll.  

So VOTTO and THE MOOSE.   I am completely against keeping them and dumping everybody else from Castillanos, Winker, Suarez to Naquin and Drury.  The Reds seem to be dumping everybody just to pay Votto, and there in lies the payroll problem of The Reds. 

No Way that I would consider dumping Naquin or Drury or the players you mentioned.  They are playing well, and as you say, they are not costing The Reds much money.  

THE WORST thing the Reds could do is trade the whole team and keep Votto.  The whole Votto thing that he can't be traded needs to end. Anybody can be traded.  The Reds got out of last place once they dumped the Griffey Jr contract, and the heck with his numbers on the smoke stacks.  The Reds will get better once they dump the Votto contract.  People need to start accepting that.  I know a Pete Rose wouldn't who likes Votto, but this is not the 1960's or 1970's.   All the strikes and player salary increases that a Pete Rose likes, actually has been a bad thing for smaller city Cincinnati.  The Reds last won a World Series before the 1994 long strike which changed the game forever.  The Reds also lost a ton of money on the 2020 Covid Year.  The Reds had spent money to win, but no baseball most of year and 2 months of cardboard fans who buy nothing at the ball park killed The Reds.  

Reds Owners said last November that they needed to dump payroll due to the financial losses they took over 2020.  Then you start with the highest paid Red ever, Votto.    If you dropped Pham, Drury, Moran, Reynolds, Naquin, Farmer it would still be small potatoes compared to the Votto Contract.   The 2 Contracts that need dumped are Votto and The Moose

The Votto Contract runs to about 2025, and each year his contract increases because of the way it was set up years ago he.  So his paycheck keeps growing and growing.  I think the most foolish thing the Reds could do would be to wait for his contract to run out in 2025.  So in other words we can't even have a Drury or a Naquin because Votto has to get all the money.  That will cause many 100 loss seasons that are just to awful to watch or go to see. The idea that The Reds can't even think of rebuilding this tram until after 2025 in not acceptable. I was a Reds Fan many decades before Votto and Bruce came up from the minors. Bruce has been long gone. After the Votto MVP year back in the Brandon Phillips era, The Reds made a contract to Votto that Cincinnati's butt can't cover. Cincinnati is NOT New York or LA, and Cincinnati needs to be like Tampa and avoid Huge Contracts and win the way Tampa has won.

So a Tampa would not dump the low salaries you are talking about. Tampa lives for good play from low salaries. Tampa would dump Votto and Moose, and Tampa would be right. I respect how Tampa doers things and can beat The Yankees so much with half the payroll. The Reds need to copy the Rays , because the Reds do not have Yankees or Dodgers money. The Reds played in Tampa for many years, so they need to take a good look at how Tampa beats The Yankees so much. If it was Tampa, Votto would have been traded long ago.
1968 Bengal Fan

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RE: Would You Blow Reds Up At Trade Deadline in July ??? - kevin - 05-26-2022, 09:36 AM

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