11-05-2024, 01:28 PM
(11-04-2024, 08:29 PM)coachmcneil71 Wrote: We need Adam Jones to give this kid an intervention. Dead serious! I think he's the perfect dude for the job.
I mean, sure if you want to call it that: he adopted him and his brother as their legal guardian, a bit more than mentoring.
On the Burton stuff though, I want to point out that (I'm not a doctor or medical professional, btw, if anyone has wondered lol) Burton looks like a CLASSIC case of being on the autism spectrum. Not that he's autistic, but on the spectrum.
Given that my son is almost 3 and we've had to look out for the myriad of signs of autism (he isn't autistic, FTR), I see a ton of what to look out for, in Burton:
1. Lack of focus (both what we're told in meetings and how he's looked in interviews)
2. Wanting to be alone
3. Awkwardness and a clear lack of social skills
I don't think he necessarily needs a handler or anything like that, but when Zac said that he needs support and the like, that is also a classic case or someone on the spectrum, to keep spirits high and to remain high-functioning.
Daryl Hannah is also autistic and she wasn't diagnosed until she was in her 50s or whatever and she said it made complete sense as to how she thought and felt growing up.
Really wouldn't be surprised if Burton is the same.